If there is an accident, life or death!"

  After speaking, Fang Ze quickly picked up the oxygen mask to ensure sufficient oxygen in his body.

  Ground control center hall.

  Fang Ze's last voice echoed for a long time.

  Life and death matter! If you can say these four words, it seems that a major accident has indeed occurred in the cockpit! Everyone is silent.

  They could even hear a trace of sadness in Fang Ze's voice! Could it be that the plane is really going to crash! There's nothing they can do about it.

  I can only pray that the Huaxia criminal policeman can rely on his own driving skills to achieve a difficult off-site forced landing! Or, it is an air disaster.

  Or, it is the most challenging special situation handling and world-class forced landing in the world in recent years! Far away in China's Zhengyang Mountain, Zhao Dejun and Zhou Lao watched the surveillance in front of them.

  They heard Fang Ze's voice clearly.

  At this time, even Elder Zhou frowned.

  He obviously did not expect such a change in the plane.

  Neither of them spoke.

  All they can do is still trust Fang Ze.

  Eight thousand meters in the sky.

  Fang Ze stared at the satellite map ahead and chose a desolate place.

  There is the junction of Xianbei and Huaxia, and further ahead is the dense forest.

  0 The land of Pingchuan, although not as good as the runway of the airport, is also the safest landing spot at present.

  The huge weightlessness of [-] kilometers swept the cabin.

  All looked distressed and pale.

  They held their oxygen masks tightly to make sure they didn't pass out.

  Zhao Yuling was the same, but the cloth bag in her arms was still tightly held in her arms.

  At the same time, she also deeply apologized to all the passengers of the plane, as well as the young Chinese detective.

  The plane wouldn't have been hijacked if it wasn't for what was in the hand.

  Four kilometers, three kilometers, two kilometers away, the buildings can already be vaguely seen.

  Further down, there is a plain.

  There is the border between the two countries! Now that the autopilot is out of control, Fang Ze can only operate it by hand.

  What's more, if you choose autopilot in this situation, there is only one result: crash! Fang Ze stared at the ground below, lightly pulled the joystick, and controlled the rate of descent.

  On the dashboard, you can see that the speed is rapidly decreasing.

  Fang Ze threw away the oxygen mask and picked up the microphone.

  "The plane is about to make an emergency landing. Everyone bends down and tries to keep their balance!"

  "I repeat it again!"

  "The plane is ready for 3.

  1 Make an emergency landing, everyone bends down, bows their heads and exerts force to keep their balance!"

  In the cabin, after hearing this, all the passengers seriously implemented Fang Ze's words.

  The only one I can trust now is him.

  Very quickly, the rate of descent reached 0000:[-]! The main wheel rose quickly, and the plane was close to the ground and moved forward rapidly.

  Because of broken glass and damaged machinery, the plane is not straight.

  But it doesn't matter so much now.

  Bang! Boom! The main wheel is grounded! The distance between the fuselage bumped up, and the flying dust and stones hit the fuselage, making a crackling sound.

  Fang Ze quickly deployed the speedbrake, but the speed could not be reduced for a short time.

  Not far ahead is the forest! Once the plane rushes into the jungle, the consequences will be disastrous

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 291 Safe landing [4]

  Fang Ze stared straight ahead, gritted his teeth and turned on the engine to reverse thrust.

  The wheels rubbed against the ground, and the flames splashed.

  At a certain moment bang! A wheel hit the stone and broke.

  The entire fuselage suddenly sank, and the side of the belly was close to the ground! Huge noise and turbulence were transmitted to the cabin.

  All of a sudden, there was a panic! They suddenly had a feeling that they might really not be able to survive.

  Fang Ze sat firmly in the cockpit. Although his expression was solemn, he did not panic.

  After being silent for a while, Fang Ze forcibly increased the reverse thrust of the engine again! Boom! The overwhelming loud noise on both sides of the fuselage is extremely clear! Speed ​​180! Speed ​​170! Speed ​​120! In front, you can clearly see the trees .

  Fang Ze took a deep breath and decisively changed the direction of the main wheel! The fuselage rushed forward to the left.

  Speed ​​50! Speed ​​40! Bang!! The whole plane rushed directly into the jungle.

  The right wing was smashed in an instant! Fang Ze's angle selection was not bad, and the cockpit and fuselage were not seriously damaged.

  But Rao 10 is like this, and the body is also broken.

  It is not yet known if there were any casualties in the cabin.

  Fang Ze sat in the cockpit, took a few deep breaths, and calmed down.

  A little bloodshot appeared on his forehead, and he didn't know where it touched.

  There was some pain in the chest and head, and it was hit.

  If it weren't for the enhanced physical quality, the impact of the instant stagnation would definitely make him faint in an instant.

  After a while, Fang Ze stood up and walked towards the cabin.

  Fortunately, everyone is in their own seat.

  It's just that there is silence in front of you, no movement at all.

  Fang Ze was still injured, let alone these ordinary people.

  Walking in the cabin aisle, Fang Ze checked left and right, and found no serious injuries.

  Finally, Fang Ze stood in front of Zhao Yuling.

  She had already passed out, but her arms were still clasping the cloth bag in her arms.

  With a sigh, Fang Ze put away all the pistol magazines, reached out and unfastened Zhao Yuling's seat belt, and hugged her by the waist.

  According to the flight path and positioning of the aircraft, people outside will soon know the exact location of the forced landing.

  It won't be long before rescue teams arrive.

  In addition, I am afraid there are uninvited guests.

  Fang Ze was unable to determine which side was faster.

  So this place can't stay for long.

  Carrying Zhao Yuling to the ground, Fang Ze glanced at the almost scrapped plane, turned and left, and got into the forest.

  Target: China's borders.

  No matter how long those people's hands are, they will never dare to provoke the authority of China.

  Time passed slowly.

  The plane just lay quietly on the ground.

  In the cabin, no one has woken up for a moment, and two jeeps came quickly and stopped.

  Several men with guns got out of the car and rushed into the cabin.

  After a few minutes, they came out one after another.

  "People are not there."

  "Probably run away"


  Several people jumped into the car and drove the jeep into the forest.

  I don't know how long it took.

  On the western horizon, a line of military trucks and medical vehicles is approaching.

  On the car, the eye-catching Chinese national flag shines in the sun.



  Every passenger plane is installed with positioning, so it is not difficult to find the exact location.

  From the moment the plane landed, the Huaxia military had been ordered.

  Come at full speed and initiate rescue.

  Of course, before that, you still have to communicate with Xianbei.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Although the relationship between Huaxia and Xianbei has been delicate in recent years, the two sides quickly reached an agreement on emergency rescue of the plane crash.

  The follow-up work depends on how China handles it.

  On the other side, Fang Ze held Zhao Yuling and ran for a long time.

  Zhao Yuling slowly woke up because of the long bumps.

  Zhao Yuling screamed when she found herself being held by a man.

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