Fang Ze immediately stopped and slowly put Zhao Yuling down.


  Zhao Yuling stared at Fang Ze with wide eyes.

  Fang Ze smiled slightly and said, "I'm in good spirits, it doesn't seem to be hurt."

  Zhao Yuling glanced at the surrounding environment and said, "Where is this?"

  "Why did you bring me here"

  "Are the other passengers okay?"

  "Shouldn't we be standing there and waiting for rescue?"

  A series of questions emerged from Zhao Yuling's mouth.

  Fang Ze explained with a smile: "This is the border of Xianbei, dozens of kilometers ahead, and it will reach Huaxia."

  "Bring you here because of what's in your arms."

  "The other passengers are fine, the flight attendant is fine, but the captain and co-pilot are dead."

  "If we wait for rescue, we are likely to be surrounded."

  Facing such a detailed answer, Zhao Yuling was stunned, and subconsciously looked at the cloth bag in his arms.

  "You know what's in here"

  Fang Ze nodded: "I know, the original fragment of the Yongle Canon."

  Hearing this, Zhao Yuling's eyes narrowed.

  "Who the hell are you!"

  Fang Ze took out his credentials and said, "Major General Huaxia, Fang Hua."

  Zhao Yuling stepped forward to grab the military certificate, took a deep breath after looking at it carefully.

  "My father asked you to come"


  Fang Ze nodded.

  "Then why didn't you say it before?"

  Fang Ze chuckled: "Miss, you have too many questions, let's go quickly, the enemy is likely to be chasing."

  Zhao Yuling glanced behind him and nodded silently, "Well then"

  The opponent's hands are not so good, and he is proficient in aircraft piloting.

  It turned out to be Major General Huaxia.

  It's just that this major general seems a little too young for his youth.

  The two set out on the road again.

  Because he had to take care of Zhao Yuling, Fang Ze didn't walk fast.

  During this period, Zhao Yuling kept talking.

  "Didn't you just say you were a police officer?"


  Fang Ze turned his head and asked in doubt, "Did I tell you the detective?"

  Zhao Yuling nodded seriously and said, "I definitely said it."


  Fang Ze lengthened his tone and said, "The word "police" is applicable all over the world. Didn't I reassure you?"


  Zhao Yuling glanced at Fang Ze suspiciously.

  How could she feel that the other party was lying? Fang Ze smiled and said, "Of course, didn't you read the military certificate?"

  "If you don't believe me, ask Commander Zhao after you go back."

  Seeing that the other party moved out of Zhao Dejun, Zhao Yuling nodded slightly.

  The identity of an officer cannot be faked here.

  Fang Ze glanced at the cloth bag in Zhao Yuling's arms and said, "This is all that remains."

  Zhao Yuling shook his head: "No, I told my people that there are six copies in total, and there are only two copies here."

  "What about the remaining four?"

  "Somewhere in China."

  Fang Ze was surprised: "How do you know?"

  Zhao Yuling said: "I won't tell you."

  Fang Ze: ""

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 292 Surrounded! 【1】

  after an hour.

  Zhao Yu was breathless and panting, stretched out his hand to support the big tree next to him, and squatted down.

  "No, I'm too tired."

  "I'm taking a break"

  Fang Ze stopped and turned to look.

  Sweat appeared on the other's forehead, and his hair was wet.

  From this point of view, Zhao Yuling has a unique charm.

  Zhao Yuling raised her head and saw that Fang Ze was staring at him, and pouted, "Why haven't you seen a beautiful woman?"

  Fang Ze chuckled: "I have seen it, but I have never seen such a beautiful one."

  "Your genes are good, show me your mother's photo"

  Zhao Yuling gave Fang Ze a blank look.

  This kind of compliment in disguised form, Zhao Yuling said that he was unhappy and it was false.

  Even if you are used to countless praises, it depends on who you are.

  Fang Ze gave her the feeling that she was not the kind of person who couldn't walk when she saw a beautiful woman.

  Very rational.

  It's not pretending, Zhao Yuling can feel it.

  Perhaps it is a character developed in the military for a long time.

  "Don't show it."

  Zhao Yuling refused directly.

  "Do you have water?"

  Fang Ze opened his hand and said, "Do you see my whole body as if there is water?"

  "All right"

  Zhao Yuling sighed.

  She was indeed thirsty.

  Fang Ze couldn't do anything about it, he didn't expect the accident on the plane at all.

  It was very lucky to be able to land in perfect condition.

  Zhao Yuling took a few breaths, and after feeling his physical strength recovered a little, he looked towards the endless jungle in front of him.

  "How long will it take?"

  Fang Ze said: "According to our speed just now, it will take about seven hours."

  "Seven hours!"

  Zhao Yuling said in despair, "How did you calculate so clearly for so long?"

  Fang Ze smiled slightly.

  From the moment he left the plane, Fang Ze had already printed the location map in his mind to prevent getting lost.

  Accurate computing power is for Fang Ze, Pediatrics.

  He opened his mouth to speak.

  At this moment, a faint sound suddenly came from my ear.

  The distance is not close, at least a few hundred meters away.

  Fang Ze's face froze slightly.

  Zhao Yuling looked at Fang Ze strangely and said, "Why don't you speak."


  Fang Ze motioned for the other party to keep silent, and his vigilant gaze swept the surroundings.

  Seeing Fang Ze's appearance, Zhao Yuling's heart tightened.

  Someone was chasing after her, but she didn't hear any movement in Zhao Yuling's ears. Apart from the birds' chirping, there was only the sound of the wind.

  Fang Ze whispered: "Don't move where you are."

  When he had finished speaking, he bent down, stepped forward cautiously, and listened attentively.

  If he heard correctly, it should be the sound of the engine.

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