Two words, Zhao Yuling got up quickly.

  "Alright, alright, don't move, I'll be right back!"

  After speaking, Zhao Yuling ran away.

  Fang Ze, who stayed where he was, glanced at the part where he was shot, and smiled helplessly.

  "It's dangerous."

  "Almost died here."

  If the bullet strays a little further, it will hit the heart.

  Fortunately, Zhao Yuling is fine.

  Since he promised Zhao Dejun to bring the other party back to China safely, he will never break his promise.

  Soon, the sound of the car sounded, from far to near, and stopped in front of Fang Ze.

  Zhao Yuling jumped out of the car, holding a backpack in his hand.

  "Bring it!"

  "Look, how to use it"

  Zhao Yuling squatted in front of Fang Ze, opened the backpack, and turned over the contents to the other side.

  Fang Ze did not speak, adjusted his sitting posture, and then tore his clothes with force.

  The deep purple bullet holes were exposed under Zhao Yuling's sight.

  Blood flowed and flesh burst open.

  Zhao Yuling obviously did not expect it to be so serious, and his expression became more and more anxious.

  "Fang Fanghua, is the bullet still there: inside"

  "Does it need to be taken out?"

  Zhao Yuling doesn't understand, but he has seen TV series.

  That's how it's done on TV.

  But in the wilderness, where can I go to find a doctor?


  Fang Ze said: "Although the distance is very close, there is no guarantee that there will be no enemies."

  Saying that, Fang Ze drew a dagger from his waist.

  After seeing the dagger, Zhao Yuling's eyes narrowed: "What do you want to do!"

  Fang Ze didn't speak, and took out his lighter again.

  Putting the dagger on the flame for a while, Fang "ah"

  "You have to get the bullet yourself!"

  Zhao Yuling's face turned pale and it hurt.

  "Close your eyes!"

  Fang Ze emphasized.


  Zhao Yuling swallowed and closed his eyes quickly.

  Fang Ze folded the broken clothes and bit them in his mouth.

  The next moment, he stared at the site where he was shot, and decisively cut the flesh with a dagger.

  Severe pain swept through his mind, Fang Ze couldn't help groaning.

  Sweat dripped from his forehead.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Keep moving and keep cutting.

  Although Zhao Yuling closed his eyes, he could hear Fang Ze's movements and voices.

  She could imagine what Fang Ze was going through at the moment.

  For a while, tears rolled down his cheeks.

  If it wasn't for saving her, the other party wouldn't have to suffer so much.

  This process lasted about twenty minutes.

  "Give me a hemostatic and a bandage."

  When Fang Ze's voice sounded, Zhao Yuling opened his eyes.

  She quickly covered her mouth to make sure she wouldn't scream.

  In front of Fang Ze, his clothes were dyed red with blood! Holding back his tears, Zhao Yuling hurriedly flipped through his backpack.

  "Is it this one"


  Fang Ze glanced at it and nodded.

  "Apply it to the wound, then bandage it, please."

  A "please"

  , making Zhao Yuling's tears unbearable and bursting out of his eyes.

  She didn't speak, and stepped forward to treat Fang Ze's wound seriously.

  Time passed slowly.

  Zhao Yuling's movements were very slow, for fear of hurting Fang Ze.

  When everything was finished, Zhao Yuling whispered, "Are you feeling better?"

  Fang Ze's lips were a little pale, but the smile never disappeared.

  "It's been fine, it's not going to die."

  "Go, get in the car."

  After speaking, Fang Ze got up with difficulty.

  Zhao Yuling supported him and hesitantly said, "Would you like to rest for a while?"

  Fang Ze shook his head: "No, go back to China immediately."

  "It won't take an hour by car."

  "I'll go."


  Zhao Yuling was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "Let me drive it! Your current state"

  Fang Ze waved his hand: "It's okay."

  While speaking, Fang Ze walked towards the driver's seat.

  Zhao Yuling couldn't beat the other party, so he had to get on the co-pilot.

  car starts slowly

  "Fang Hua, why don't we call the military?"

  Fang Ze said while driving: "There is no signal in this place."

  "Besides, it's useless to fight. The plane rescue is different from this case, which will lead to international disputes."

  Hearing this, Zhao Yuling was silent.

  She looked at Fang Ze's wound from time to time, for fear of what would happen to the other party.

  time flies.

  The surroundings were calm and there was no more danger.

  Zhao Yuling slowly relaxed.

  She suddenly asked, "Fang Hua, why did those people come so quickly?"

  Fang Ze turned his head to look at Zhao Yuling and said, "Don't underestimate the mercenary organization in this world."

  "The more backward the place, the more they think it's safe."

  "The headquarters of this group of forces is very likely to be in Xianbei, which is at our feet."

  Zhao Yuling's face changed slightly: "What!"

  Fang Ze said: "I just said it's possible, don't think about it."

  "When we arrive in Huaxia, everything has nothing to do with us."


  Zhao Yuling nodded silently.

  Hope this last time, all goes well.

  "Fang Hua"


  "Thank you."

  Fang Ze chuckled: "The responsibility lies."

  The car sped away and quickly rushed out of the jungle.

  Behind him, there was a flurry of dust

  : There is this plot in the outline, I feel awkward if I don't write it.

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