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Chapter 295 Still want to go? 【4】

  After half an hour.

  In front, there is still a piece of desolate loess, and Huaxia's military camp cannot be seen at all.

  Inside the car, Zhao Yuling looked around for a while, and couldn't help but said, "Are you there?"

  Fang Ze said: "After passing the hill in front, you can see the troops stationed at the national border."

  "About twenty minutes."


  Zhao Yuling nodded, finally heaving a sigh of relief.

  Looking at the cloth bag in his arms, Zhao Yuling sighed slightly.

  She could not feel the value of this thing, but she knew its importance.

  Since his father rarely opened his mouth and explained such a task, Zhao Yuling certainly would not refuse.

  Although the process was dangerous, but fortunately thinking of this, Zhao Yuling turned to look at Fang Ze.

  "I didn't expect that there would be such excellent people under my father."

  Zhao Yuling calmed down and looked forward expectantly.

  After returning to Huaxia, she "nine sixty seven,,"

  Be sure to thank each other well.

  Maybe, it can also enhance some feelings. Fang Ze doesn't know what Zhao Yuling is thinking, he holds the steering wheel and concentrates on driving.

  It's safe now.

  At this moment, Fang Ze's face changed slightly, and he turned back suddenly.

  This jeep has an open top, and Fang Ze can clearly see everything behind.

  In the distant sky, a black dot rapidly approached.

  He could even hear the rotating sound of the propeller! Judging from the distance from where the helicopter came from, the speed of this helicopter was estimated to have reached more than [-] kilometers per hour.

  So fast! Go at this speed and you'll be caught up in a few minutes.

  Is it the enemy? Zhao Yuling noticed Fang Ze's abnormality and turned back subconsciously.

  Seeing the helicopter getting closer, her complexion changed.


  "Is it the enemy?"

  Fang Ze didn't say a word, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and moved forward quickly.

  Zhao Yuling clenched the handle tightly, resisting the violent bumps.

  At this time, Fang Ze's brows were slightly wrinkled, and due to the influence of the wound, the bandage wrapped around his body had begun to seep blood.

  But Zhao Yuling didn't see it.

  Over time, the helicopter gets closer and closer.

  Fang Ze turned his head, his face changed immediately.

  "Bend over and bow your head!!"

  Fang Ze shouted loudly, his hands kept moving, and pressed Zhao Yuling's head into the seat.

  At the same time, he turned the steering wheel sharply.

  Da Da Da Da Da Da! Countless bullets hit the ground like fried beans.

  Some bullets landed on the car, and there were bursts of clanging sounds.


  Zhao Yuling screamed in fright, covering her ears and lying on the seat.

  Fang Ze turned his head to observe while controlling the car.

  The door of the helicopter was open, and a man with sunglasses crouched on it.

  The bullet came from the machine gun in his hand.

  "Oh shit!"

  Fang Ze couldn't help but utter a foul language! For a few broken books, what's the matter! You people are crazy about money!! But Fang Ze also understands in his heart that once the other party succeeds, it is likely to be in units of [-] million.

  This is that people die for wealth, and birds die for food! On the other side, China borders.

  "There are gunshots!"

  "Quick! Alert!"

  Huaxia's garrisoned troops moved quickly, and everyone quickly reached the fighting position.

  Similar exercises, they do not know how many times they have practiced.

  "what happened"

  A man ran out of the camp and came to the front of the fortification.

  "Company commander, there is a situation!"

  "It looks like a gunship, chasing

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  A Jeep!"

  The man was Zhu Xueyong, the company commander of the guard company.

  He picked up the binoculars and looked forward.

  It can be clearly seen that a man and a woman driving a jeep are rushing towards here.

  At this speed, it takes less than ten minutes to enter the Chinese border.

  "Captain, what should I do?"

  Zhu Xueyong said: "Stay vigilant!"


  The helicopter is very close.

  Fang Ze didn't know if the other party had other heavy weapons.

  Once something like a rocket launcher is used, the car rolls over.

  Then he and Zhao Yuling will be completely finished! No matter how powerful Fang Ze is, he will not be able to fly to the sky.

  "Hold the steering wheel! Quick!"

  Fang Ze shouted loudly.

  "it is good!"

  Zhao Yuling responded quickly, straightened up, and grabbed the steering wheel sideways.

  Fang Ze stepped on the accelerator and picked up the rifle from the back seat with his backhand.

  Pulling the bolt, Fang Ze turned around and aimed.

  Cars are mobile.

  Helicopters are also mobile.

  In this case, the hit rate will be greatly reduced, almost impossible.

  Firearms Proficiency 16! Under the scope, Fang Ze's sight moved rapidly with the helicopter.

  The speed of the car and the speed of the helicopter were quickly calculated in Fang Ze's mind for two seconds.

  Bang! Fang Ze pulled the trigger.

  The bullet slid across the sky and shot straight in front of the helicopter.

  Pfft! The bullet line and the helicopter line were perfectly connected and penetrated the man's chest.

  The man fell straight down and hit the ground heavily.


  Inside the camp, Zhu Xueyong, who was watching all this, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

  How is it possible that the bumping of the jeep has made aiming infinitely more difficult, plus the movement of the two sides, how did the young man achieve a shot! Da Da Da Da Da! The gunshots have not stopped.

  Although the companion died, the helicopter pilot obviously did not give up, and directly opened the machine gun on the fuselage.

  "Get down!"

  Fang Ze regained control of the steering wheel, dexterously avoiding driving in the shape of a snake, and his mastery reached 16! At this moment, Fang Ze maximized his skills and predicted the opponent's possible aiming trajectory.

  The bullet hit the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

  The borders are getting closer.

  Zhu Xueyong began to shout: "Listen to the helicopter in front, you will reach the border of China soon, please return immediately, return immediately!"

  The helicopter didn't listen and continued to chase.

  But Fang Ze's car was like a loach, and it was extremely difficult to hit.

  One minute two minutes When the jeep was fifty meters away from the camp, the helicopter seemed to give up, slowed down and prepared to drop 5.

  8 heads.

  Fang Ze braked suddenly, jumped off with a gun in his hand.

  "who are you"

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