"Are you Chinese?"

  Zhu Xueyong shouted.

  Fang Ze ignored Zhu Xueyong, squatted down and set up his rifle, setting it to burst mode.

  The helicopter started to turn around.

  "Bastard, I still want to go!"

  Under the scope, Fang Ze's sight was fixed on the cockpit glass.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Fang Ze fired five shots in a row.

  Every shot: , hit exactly the same spot.

  Even bulletproof glass cannot withstand several impacts and shatter.

  The driver's head was exposed at the center of the crosshair of the scope.

  Fang Ze snorted coldly, "Go to hell."

  Bang! The bullet roared out from the muzzle and instantly penetrated the opponent's head

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 296 Shocked Zhu Xueyong [1]

  The pilot died, and the out-of-control helicopter began to tilt and crash toward the ground.

  Boom! The helicopter crashed.

  In the rear, all the Chinese soldiers in front of the fortification looked at Fang Ze who was calmly holding his guns in shock.

  Who is this guy! Seeing Fang Ze turning around, everyone was alert and pointed their guns at Fang Ze.

  "Do not move!!"

  "Put the gun down!"

  A platoon leader shouted and stared at Fang Ze's movements.

  As long as the other party has an unfavorable move, he will immediately order the shooting.

  Fang Ze glanced at his chest.

  The injury was a little worse after the previous strenuous action.

  Blood can already be seen seeping out from the bandage.

  Seeing Fang Ze being pointed at at gunpoint, Zhao Yuling quickly got out of the car and opened his arms in front of Fang Ze.

  "What are you doing!"

  "I'm from Huaxia, this is a major general of the military!"

  "Major General!"

  Zhu Xueyong's face changed slightly, and he raised his hand to signal his subordinates not to move.

  He slowly stepped forward with a gun in his hand and said, "You are Major General Huaxia"

  Despite this question, Zhu Xueyong's vigilance has never diminished.

  Cases of impersonating officers in the past are not rare.

  Fang Ze threw away the rifle, took out the certificate from his arms, and handed it to Zhao Yuling in front: "Give it to him."

  Zhao Yuling took it and gave it to Zhu Xueyong.

  Zhu Xueyong glanced at it, his face immediately condensed.

  Looking at Fang Ze again, thinking of the opponent's skills and marksmanship, Zhu Xueyong took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Mr. Fang, please wait a moment!"

  After speaking, Zhu Xueyong turned and left.

  Zhao Yuling shouted from behind: "Hey! He is injured, hurry up and call the military doctor!"


  Zhu Xueyong replied, running faster.

  Before the fortification, without the exact order of the company commander, everyone's guns were still pointed at Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze glanced at it and slowly squatted on the spot.

  He knew that the other party was conducting verification.

  Zhao Yuling turned around and ran over, supported Fang Ze, and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

  Seeing the red blood on Fang Ze's chest, her complexion changed.

  "it's okay no problem."

  Fang Ze smiled lightly.

  To Fang Ze, this hurt is nothing.

  The addition of the system to the body is perfectly displayed at this time.

  It also made Fang Ze sigh: some things are not necessarily useful, but you must have them.

  Someday it will be available.

  "It's okay, you're bleeding!"

  Zhao Yuling became more and more anxious and turned to look.

  Soon, Zhu Xueyong ran back quickly.

  "Put down the gun, put down the gun!!"

  "Put down the gun for me:!"

  While shouting, Zhu Xueyong stood in Fang Ze.

  Standing at attention gave a standard military salute.

  "Hello, Major General Fang!"

  "I'm company commander Zhu Xueyong!"

  "Please instruct!"

  Just now, he had reported to his superiors and learned that there was indeed a major general named Fang Hua in the military! And after describing the appearance of the military, he was the same as the young man in front of him.

  This surprised Zhu Xueyong and felt the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of the Chinese army.

  He never imagined that there would be such a young major general in the army.

  More importantly, the opponent's marksmanship and driving skills, he can see with his own eyes.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  Knowing this, he should have ordered directly to shoot down the enemy plane! After Zhu Xueyong's voice fell, the soldiers behind him, in astonishment, quickly maintained their upright posture.

  This is a major general! I can't see Ben on weekdays.

  Fang Ze stood up and said, "Commander Zhu, find someone to help me deal with the wound first."


  Zhu Xueyong took the order, stepped forward to support Fang Ze, and walked towards the barracks.

  All the soldiers watched Fang Ze leave until the other party disappeared from sight.

  Soon, the discussion sounded.

  "Major General, you are so young!"

  "I look only in my twenties, so I won't be the second generation of the army, right?"

  "Fuck! You didn't see Major General Fang's marksmanship just now. Can you do it? That's called ability!"

  "We are in China, and there is no shortage of talented people!"

  "It would be nice if you could be our instructor"

  Army Infirmary.

  A male military doctor carefully treated Fang Ze's wound and said, "Major General Fang, it's already healed."


  Fang Ze nodded, picked up his clothes and put them on.

  Beside him, Zhu Xueyong said with great admiration, "Major General Fang, you took out this bullet yourself."

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Time is running out, so this is the only way to do it."

  After being affirmed, Zhu Xueyong and the military doctor took a deep breath.

  They suddenly remembered the ancient allusion of Guan Gong scraping bones to cure poison.

  Fang Ze's move is simply more awe-inspiring than allusions.

  Because of Fang Ze, but he used a dagger to take out the bullets from under the flesh.

  How can anyone have such courage, especially when the body is shot and the wound is bleeding, the other party can perfectly escape the enemy's pursuit, and even complete the counter-kill.

  This kind of physical fitness and willpower is beyond compare.

  No wonder the other party was so young and took the seat of a major general.

  He still knows too little about the hidden masters of the Chinese military, and his military rank cannot reach that level.

  "Major General Fang, 09, you are amazing!"

  Zhu Xueyong couldn't think of a good adjective for a while.

  Fang Ze chuckled lightly and said nothing.

  Zhu Xueyong hesitated and said, "Major General Fang, just now"

  Fang Ze glanced at Zhu Xueyong and said, "For special tasks, don't ask too much."

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