Qin Yun said: "Yes, Dongli Bund and Yu Garden, check in the holy places, you don't go"

  Fang Ze gave a thumbs up: "Must go!"

  3:[-] pm.

  East Liwai

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  The beach is located on the bank of the Huangpu River in Dongli City.

  In the last century, it was once designated as a concession by the United States, becoming a true portrayal of Dongli Shili Yangchang.

  Every year, I don’t know how many tourists come here to experience the different style of the old Dongli.

  Walking on the street, I feel the strong contrast between the new China and the old China, which is very flavorful.

  Qin Yun and Fang Ze walked side by side, and the former said with emotion: "The development of the city is really fast."

  "Look at the current Dongli, it has become a world-renowned international metropolis."


  Fang Ze nodded, feeling the same.

  The open development model will undoubtedly bring great benefits to Dongli.

  In all respects, Dongli City is far ahead of other cities in China.

  This is a rich place.

  It is also a dream place.

  No wonder the foreign population of Dongli occupies such a large proportion.

  Some people like comfort, some people like challenges.

  Everyone has their own choice.

  Qin Yun said: "Unfortunately, the pace of life here is too fast and not suitable for me."

  Fang Ze chuckled: "I know, you like a quiet life, is this why you choose forensic medicine?"

  Qin Yun was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "That's right."

  In her bones, Qin Yun is an introverted person, and did not like to communicate with people when she was in college.

  Therefore, the hat of the high-cold goddess is often buckled on the top of her head by others.

  There were many men around, but Qin Yun didn't feel anything.

  Until I met Fang Ze.

  During the stroll, Qin Yun turned her head and looked at Fang Ze's side face, her eyes slightly fluctuating.

  At this moment, she suddenly realized that introversion had become her weakness.

  If you take the initiative, maybe the one who stays by your side is yourself.

  It is said that the moon is the first to get the moon near the water tower, and when she comes to her, it doesn't work.

  Three hours later, the two left Dongli Bund and took a taxi to Yu Garden.

  It was almost evening, and some lights were already on at 280, which was very beautiful.

  As a classical garden in the south of the Yangtze River during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, Yu Garden has long been listed as a key cultural relics protection unit by the state.

  The fact that a private garden can be built so luxuriously also illustrates the polarization of ancient times.

  People with status are becoming more and more unattainable.

  The life of the people at the bottom can hardly be improved in a very poor life.

  "That sculpture is not bad, it was so powerful in the Ming Dynasty"

  Fang Ze looked at the ancient beauty statue in the center of the lake and said.

  Qin Yun held back her laughter and said, "That's a modern work."


  Fang Ze was speechless, a little ashamed of his ignorance.

  "The person in charge of the scenic spot dares to lie to me, I want to complain!"

  Qin Yun laughed and said, "This is a modern decoration. If it hadn't been repaired, this place would have been dilapidated long ago."

  Before you know it, night falls.

  Fang Ze and Qin Yun found a restaurant. After dinner, they did not plan to experience the nightlife of Dongli, so they each returned to their hotel.

  Anyway, there are still a few days left for the holiday, so don't be in a hurry

  We made an appointment to see each other at the auction venue the next morning.

  Nothing in the night

  : Everyday, every day, you are like the sea, and I remind you: the three things of reading, collection, push

Chapter 302 No, this is a real person! ! 【3】

  8:[-] am the next day.

  After breakfast, Fang Ze came to the entrance of the auction venue early.

  He was smoking a cigarette while watching the people coming and going.

  This is the exclusive smoking area of ​​the auction venue. Once inside, the whole venue is non-smoking.

  There were not many people around, and compared to the lively National Day Temple Fair in the distance, it was even a little miserable.

  It's no wonder, it's normal for a small group of people to like it and few people.

  Aside from the wealthy people who participated in the auction, there were even fewer people like Qin Yun who bought a ticket just to go in and feast their eyes.

  About ten minutes later, Qin Yun's figure appeared in the distance, trotting all the way to Fang Ze.

  She panted slightly and said, "You came so early and didn't call me in advance."

  Fang Ze was serious: "It's my personal habit to go to bed early and get up early."

  Qin Yun's eyes widened, and she poked the tire directly: "I believe you, you are the one who was the most late at the city bureau."

  "Xu Bureau treats you as a treasure, if I were, I would have been fired long ago!"

  Fang Ze took a puff of cigarette and said quietly, "That's why you don't understand me."

  "OK, OK"

  Qin Yun couldn't take it anymore and said quickly, "Let's go in, the auction is about to start."

  "Let's go."

  Fang Ze extinguished the cigarette and walked into the venue together with Qin Yun.

  The hall is not large. After Fang Ze and Qin Yun found their seats, they sat down and waited.

  Looking around, there are still many seats vacant.

  Although it is an annual international auction, very few people are really interested.

  Roughly estimated, there are only a few hundred people.

  This is closely related to the money in the wallet.

  830:[-]:[-]: The auction will start on time.

  The host is a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. After he made a simple speech, he went straight to the first lot without any nonsense.

  Fang Ze likes this process, it is simple and rude, and there is no boring front show.

  The first piece was a piece of jade, and the host said a lot of things that Fang Ze couldn't understand.

  He felt a little bored.

  Qin Yun looked up and said in a low voice, "Yuan Dynasty jadeite, the quality of this auction is really high."


  Fang Ze made a perfunctory sentence and looked at the crowd left and right.

  There are still many people bidding.

  Over time, lot after lot was sold.

  "The collection below is an ancient book."

  The host speaks loudly.

  Inside, the crowd whispered.

  There are many antique jade articles, but ancient books are rare.


  Fang Ze, who almost fell asleep, jolted and sat up straight.

  Qin Yun turned her head and said, "what's the matter?"

  "it's okay no problem."

  Fang Ze said in his mouth, staring at the host without blinking.

  Soon, things were brought up, and the host opened the red cloth and said, "Dunhuang Writing Sutras from the Tang Dynasty! Starting price: [-]."

  Qin Yun said: "You are interested in this"

  Fang Ze quickly sat back and regained his lack of interest.

  Shit! Started him.

  I really thought it happened.

  He opened his mouth and said, "It's a little surprising, I didn't expect that people would buy ancient books."

  Qin Yun said: "Of course, the ancient books from the past.

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