In addition to the collection value, it also has historical reference value, which is very rare."

  Fang Ze said: "[-] is not expensive.

  Qin Yun nodded: "Dunhuang Writing Sutras are mainly Buddhist scriptures and are of average value."


  Qin Yun came over and said mysteriously: "Some ancient books are worth hundreds of millions or even billions!"


  Fang Ze frowned.

  Qin Yun tempted: "do you want to know?"

  Fang Ze coughed lightly: "Yongle Grand Ceremony."


  Qin Yun was stunned and said, "How do you know that you don't understand antiques?"


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Ze smiled slightly: "I'm hiding my strength."


  Qin Yun looked at the host.

  "Dunhuang Writing Sutras" was finally sold at a price of [-] million.

  Time passed slowly, and the auction did not end until eleven o'clock in the morning.

  Fang Ze dragged his boring body and left the venue with Qin Yun.

  If I knew earlier, I wouldn't accompany Qin Yun.

  It doesn't make any sense at all.

  On the other hand, Qin Yun's eyes brightened, and she seemed to be very satisfied with this auction.

  Of course, different people have different concerns.

  Qin Yun pulled Fang Ze and said, "Quick, let's go to dinner and then to the sculpture exhibition!"

  Fang Ze: ""

  He regretted more and more.

  Auctions are so boring, what kind of sculpture exhibition?

  Qin Yun pulled Fang Ze, who was reluctant, into the sculpture exhibition.

  Compared with the auction, there are more people here.

  Although it is not crowded, it is at least a lot more lively.

  From time to time, you can see people holding SLR cameras, stopping to take pictures.

  White sculptures are located in every corner of the venue.

  Although the exhibition is not completely sealed, the people who come here are very qualified, and no one reaches out and touches it.

  "Xu Yuanwu"

  Qin Yun looked around and her eyes lit up.

  There was a group of people not far ahead, an elderly man was laughing with everyone.

  "Go go go!"

  Qin Yun pulled Fang Ze and walked quickly towards the crowd.

  "This work is called "Hope". It took me a year to create. I hope everyone can understand its meaning."

  The old man looked at the crowd and smiled.



  Qin Yun stared at the sculpture.

  It was a young girl with her right hand raised, looking forward.

  In his eyes, he seemed to be able to read a strong expectation.

  Fang Ze glanced at it and then retracted his gaze.

  Isn't this a girl in love, waiting for her boyfriend to be so tall! Fang Ze is getting more and more bored.

  "Look here, I'll take a walk around."

  Qin Yun didn't answer Fang Ze, just nodded and kept looking at the sculpture in front of her.

  Fang Ze sighed.

  The girl was stunned.

  With his hands in his pockets, Fang Ze wandered aimlessly.


  "It's a copy"

  Fang Ze stared at the sculpture in front of him for a while, then left.

  Sculptures at the venue are varied, most of them are models of real people.

  Of course, there are also young sculptors who choose animals or abstract objects.

  "This pose is fun, what's the meaning?"

  In a corner where no one cares, Fang Ze stood not far away, looking at the white sculpture Zhao Zhao in front of him, holding his chin in thought.

  The sculpture is of a man with his hands hanging down naturally and his feet slightly open.

  A normal person is standing, but it always feels a little strange.

  Perhaps, the sculptor did it deliberately.

  Fang Ze took a few steps forward and looked closely at the chest of the sculpture. There were several letters on it.


  "What do you mean special symbols?"

  "These artists, god-given."

  Fang Ze smiled and stood up straight.

  Taking a casual glance at the sculptural face, he was about to leave.


  The next moment, Fang Ze turned around again, his cheeks were close, and he stared into the eyes of the sculptured man.

  If you look closely, there are speckled turbidities beneath the hazy white ash.

  With Fang Ze's sky-defying power of observation, he could even vaguely see countless shocking bloodshots.

  Like a dead man, staring at him with empty eyes.

  The smile disappeared little by little from Fang Ze's face.

  "No, this is a real person! It seems!"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 303 Blocking the venue [4]

  Fang Ze's face was solemn, and he approached again.

  The eyes are only a few centimeters away from the eyes of the sculpture.

  Such vivid eyes are definitely not something that can be achieved by carving.

  There is only one possibility, this is the eyes of a real person! How can there be real eyes in the sculpture of a dead object! The next moment, Fang Ze took a few steps back and looked at the sculpture carefully.

  Strange movements, rigid body.

  Could it be a possibility that popped up in my mind.

  After glancing vaguely around, making sure no one was paying attention, Fang Ze took a deep breath and took out his phone.

  He called the police.

  Although it is a National Day holiday, for the police, only service agencies and individual departments will have a holiday.

  The front-line criminal police still need to be on duty.

  Correspondingly, there will be more opportunities for sabbaticals

  "Hello, this is the police center."

  Fang Ze: "The city bureau is still the police station"

  "This is the police center of Dongli City Bureau, what happened?"

  After hearing that it was the Municipal Bureau, Fang Ze said, "I am Fang Ze, the provincial bureau, and the police number is"

  "Give me a call to the director right away, hurry up!"

  On the other side of the phone, the officer who answered the phone was quiet for a while, as if to confirm his identity.

  Soon, a rapid voice sounded: "Hello, Team 5, please wait a moment."

  Fang Ze waited quietly.

  After dozens of seconds, the phone was disconnected and replaced by the voice of a middle-aged man.

  "Hello, is that Captain Fang? I'm Yu Guoxing."

  Fang Ze said quickly: "Director Yu, my current location is Dongli West Road, the sculpture exhibition site,,."

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