"A body was found here, please send the criminal police team immediately to block the entire venue, and no one is allowed to enter or leave at will!"

  Yu Guoxing's voice changed: "Corpse! Okay, I know."

  "I'll send Shen Kai over immediately. He's the captain of our Dongli City Bureau's criminal police. He'll be there in twenty minutes!"

  Fang Ze: "Okay, hurry up."

  Yu Guoxing, who hung up the phone, immediately dialed the office number.

  "Hey Shen Kai, immediately.

  Come to my office."

  After a while, there was a knock on the door.


  A man in his thirties walked in quickly and said as he walked, "Ju Yu, what happened?"

  From the phone, he could hear Yu Guoxing's anxiety.

  Yu Guoxing looked at Shen Kai and said, "Fang Ze, captain of the provincial police department, do you know him?"

  Shen Kai didn't know why: "I know him, but he doesn't know me."

  Fang Ze's name, he had already heard of it.

  Since the serial murder case in Yangcheng, I wanted to get to know each other, but unfortunately I haven't had the chance.

  Until the detection of Yang Da's corpse dismemberment case, Fang Ze became famous, and the way was difficult.

  Such a powerful case-solving expert, with the same Shen Kai, said that he did not admire that.

  Yu Guoxing nodded and said, "He is at the Dongli West Road, at the sculpture exhibition site,."

  "You bring people over right now, and people will call them and block the entire venue!"

  Hearing this, Shen Kai's expression changed, and he said, "Blocked.

  What happened"

  Yu Guoxing said: "Someone died! The situation is unknown, do as Fang Ze said!"

  "Okay, I'm leaving right now!"

  After speaking, Shen Kai quickly left the office.

  In front of the desk, Yu Guoxing rubbed his forehead.

  It is not a good thing that there are murders during the National Day.

  But if Fang Ze was there, it shouldn't be a big problem.

  He knew very well what kind of character Fang Ze was, and he was the top criminal investigation expert today.

  Hope there won't be any big mess.

  Sculpture Exhibition Hall.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Fang Ze has been standing in front of the statue and never left.

  Now that the exhibition has just started, there are only people who come in and no people who come out.

  This provides great convenience for preliminary investigation.

  After a while, Qin Yun came over from a distance.

  She glanced at Fang Ze, then looked at the sculpture in front of her.

  "What's the matter, Fang Ze, I see you've been standing for a long time."

  "Shhh, be quiet."

  Fang Ze quickly grabbed Qin Yun.

  Qin Yun said strangely, "I'm afraid people will hear what's wrong."

  Fang Ze looked left and right, then pulled Qin Yun to the front of the sculpture.

  "Look carefully and don't make a sound."


  Qin Yun was helpless and looked up at the sculpture in front of her.

  From the body to the eyes.

  Immediately, Qin Yun's eyes narrowed.

  As a forensic doctor, she is very sensitive to corpses.

  "These eyes!"

  Qin Yun changed color.

  "what happened!"

  Fang Ze whispered: "Have you guessed it?"

  "Inside the sculpture, there is a corpse."

  Qin Yun quickly covered her mouth and looked at Fang Ze in astonishment.

  It's not that he was frightened, how could the forensic doctor be afraid of the dead body?

  She was just taken aback.

  Qin Yun never thought that such a large sculpture exhibition would have a corpse statue! After taking a deep breath, Qin Yun removed her hand from her mouth and said, "Have you called the police?"

  Fang Ze nodded: "Well, the city bureau's criminal police team will be here soon."

  "None of the people here can leave."

  Qin Yun: "Why"

  Fang Ze said: "Can you judge the time of death based on the pupils of the deceased?"

  Hearing this, Qin Yun turned to look at the sculpture.

  After a long time, she said, "At least two days."

  "That's right."

  Fang Ze said: "Before the exhibition started, people were already dead."

  "I have seen this kind of murder method once."

  "Like similar cases, the murderer has a high probability of returning to the scene,,, to appreciate his masterpiece."

  Hearing this, Qin Yun was about to observe the surroundings.

  Fang Ze hurriedly stopped: "Don't look around!"

  "oh oh"

  Qin Yun was taken aback.

  "How long do they arrive"

  Fang Ze: "Ten minutes."

  Time passed slowly.

  Soon, Fang Ze and the two heard the sound of sirens and brakes.

  Quick footsteps followed.

  "Quick! Block the venue!"

  "No one is allowed to go out!!"

  Shen Kai's cry rang out.

  Outside the door, the special police got out of the car and pulled up a long cordon.

  Due to limited time and lack of manpower, Shen Kai directly applied for a special police detachment.

  Suhai Criminal Police Chief personally called the police, which must be taken seriously.

  Regardless of the situation, it is necessary to plan ahead.

  After the pedestrians and passengers on the street noticed the abnormality, they all gathered around.

  "what happened"

  "Why are the police here!"

  "The cordon has been pulled, what happened!"

  Shen Kai came to the hall and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Everyone, listen, there is a major criminal case here, please stand still and cooperate with the investigation!"

  "Those who try to leave the venue should be dealt with as suspects!"

  As soon as these words came out, there was a huge panic in the venue.


  "Criminal case!"

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 304 Identity of the Dead [1]

  The whole venue was in commotion.

  They originally traveled with a happy mood and stopped by to see the sculpture exhibition.

  What is it like to be involved in a criminal case inexplicably now? Although no one wants to be a standout, countless thoughts arise in everyone's mind.

  Will it affect when I can leave? What if I am taken to the police station? Shen Kai doesn't care about this, and strictly orders his subordinates: "Guard all exits: Whoever dares to leave without authorization will be handcuffed!"


  All police officers take orders.

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