Shen Kai did not cover up his voice, and everyone in the venue could hear it clearly.

  This made many people who wanted to sneak away quickly put away their thoughts.

  The so-called body is not afraid of shadows, since it is upright and upright, it is not afraid of the police to investigate.

  Forcibly leaving will only make the police feel guilty as a thief.

  Shen Kai looked left and right, and fixed his gaze on Fang Ze who was not far away.

  He walked quickly and saluted: "Fang team, I'm Shen Kai."

  Dongli is a municipality directly under the Central Government. As the captain of the criminal police of Dongli City Bureau, administratively speaking, he and Fang Ze are actually on the same level.

  But in terms of police rank, Fang Ze was much higher than him.

  So strictly speaking, Fang Ze is his boss.

  Shen Kai salutes Fang Ze, but there is no problem.

  "Hello Team Shen."

  Fang Ze returned the salute, and reached out and shook hands with Shen Kai.

  The eyes of the people at the venue followed Shen Kai and looked at Fang Ze.

  At this moment, many people feel familiar.

  "Hey isn't that Yangcheng's Captain Fang? I read it online."

  "Yes, it's Fang Ze's right!"

  "Why is he traveling on this holiday? This could lead to a criminal case"

  "I rely on, Conan's physique."

  The discussion rang out.

  A considerable number of people took out their mobile phones and prepared to record videos and take pictures.

  Seeing this, Fang Ze gave Shen Kai a wink.

  Shen Kai agreed and turned to pick up the loudspeaker: "Everyone pay attention, because of the confidentiality of the crime scene, whoever dares to take pictures and record videos, the mobile phone will be confiscated!!"

  When the voice fell, all the people holding the mobile phones were so frightened that they quickly put down their hands.

  Then, Shen Kai turned around and said, "Fang team, what's going on?"

  Fang Ze did not speak, but pointed to the sculpture next to him.

  Shen Kai looked at it, but for a while he didn't understand what it meant.


  "what happened to the sculpture"

  Fang Ze stepped forward, pointed at the sculpture's face and said, "There is a corpse inside."


  Shen Kai's expression changed, and he quickly stepped forward to examine it carefully.

  Looking at the sculpture's eyes for a while, Shen Kai's face became a little dignified.

  He nodded slowly and said: "Fang Dui is right, these are the eyes of the dead!"

  "Forensic! Trace examination!"

  "Come here quickly!"

  Shen Kai rushed to the door and shouted.

  Hearing the order, the four of them trotted over.

  "Shen team!"

  Shen Kaidao: "Fang Ze, captain of the Suhai Criminal Police Chief, no need to introduce them. A few people looked at Fang Ze and saluted: "Fang team!"

  His eyes were filled with curiosity and admiration.

  "Well, hello."

  Fang Ze nodded, not giving orders in place of Shen Kai.

  Shen Kai said: "There is a corpse inside the sculpture, check carefully, hurry up!"


  The four of them changed color, nodded quickly, and started a tense and careful survey work on the scene.

  Fang Ze and the others did not join in and stood in the distance.

  Shen Kai said: "Fang team, how did you find out?"

  Fang Ze was helpless: "It is purely a coincidence to accompany a friend to visit the sculpture exhibition."

  Shen Kai looked at Qin Yun: "This is"

  Qin Yun smiled: "Hello Team Shen, I'm Qin Yun, director of the forensic department of Yangcheng Bureau."


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Shen Kai nodded, looked at Qin Yun, and then at Fang Ze, guessing the relationship between the two.

  I guess it's a couple traveling.

  Unexpectedly, the murder was discovered in the middle.

  The body was hidden so tightly, and it was fortunate that it was Fang Ze, otherwise it would have been difficult to find.

  On the other side, a forensic doctor's voice came: "Shen team, do you need to damage the sculpture?"


  Shen Kai just wanted to speak, but considering Fang Ze's presence, he always had the feeling of being a gangster.

  It would be a shame if the details were wrong.

  He looked at Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze quickly spread his hands: "Shen team, the case is in your jurisdiction, of course you need to handle it, don't look at me."

  To be honest, he had no intention of intervening in the case.

  Since it is Dongli's case, there will naturally be a special person from the Dongli City Bureau to handle it.

  He is a criminal police captain in Yangcheng, so he won't be idle and mess around.

  It's not that it's a hassle, it's a principle.

  During the case investigation process, the person in charge is most taboo against outsiders pointing fingers, and Fang Ze still has this emotional intelligence.

  To be more realistic, the case is solved, but there is credit.

  "OK then."

  Shen Kai smiled and nodded.

  He opened his mouth and said: "Open the sculpture, carry out the scene, and conduct a comprehensive autopsy!"

  Since Fang Ze has suggested to block the venue, Shen Kai is not stupid, so he naturally understands Fang Ze's worries.

  That is the murderer, most likely right here, watching them.

  If clues and evidence can be found, maybe this case can be solved today.

  "Fang team, excuse me."

  Fang Ze smiled: "Shen team, you are busy, don't worry about me."


  Shen Kai nodded, turned to come to the front of the crowd, and said, "Who is the person in charge?"

  A man quickly stood up and said, "Officer, I am the person in charge."

  He seemed a little nervous.

  Shen Kai looked at the man and said, "Name"

  "Wu Hongshi."

  "Hello Mr. Wu, that... sculpture, who is the author and why is there no label?"

  He has already observed that the works in the entire venue only contain the statues involved, and no author is indicated.

  This is a big doubt.

  Wu Hongshi looked at the sculpture that was being slowly shattered, hesitating.

  Seeing Wu Hongshi's appearance, Shen opened his brows and said, "I don't know."

  Wu Hongshi smiled bitterly and said, "I really don't know."

  Shen Kai said coldly, "Then how did it get in?"


  Wu Hongshi looked at the old man not far away.

  That old man was Xu Yuanwu.

  Xu Yuanwu's expression changed, he hesitated for a moment, and stepped forward: "Police officer, the author of the sculpture is Kang Pingxing, my apprentice."

  Shen Kai turned his head: "Where are the people?"

  Xu Yuanwu said: "It should have appeared today, but I have never seen it."

  Hearing this, Shen Kai said to the police officer next to him: "Check this person and bring him back to the police station after he finds it."


  Shen Kai looked at the old man: "May I ask who you are?"

  "Xu Yuanwu."

  "Mr. Xu, please come and see if you know the deceased."

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