"dead dead"

  Xu Yuanwu rolled his eyes.

  Everyone was stunned for a moment, and all looked at the statue that had been shattered to the ground.

  The upper body can now be clearly seen.

  The original white sculpture seems to have become a real corpse.


  A woman screamed and quickly covered her mouth, with panic in her eyes.

  Xu Yuanwu swallowed his saliva, nodded and said, "Okay."

  The two came to the corpse.

  Xu Yuanwu only glanced at it and exclaimed: "Pingpingxing!!"

  Please download Fei Lu's novel for the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 305 Questions to Xu Yuanwu [2]

  "What did you say"

  "He is Kang Pingxing!"

  Shen Kai was very surprised and looked at Xu Yuanwu in amazement.

  What's going on? The author of the sculpture died in his own work. It's really a strange thing! Even Fang Ze was surprised, and together with Qin Yun, he stepped forward and stood not far away to observe the investigation process.

  "Are you sure he is Kang Pingxing?"

  Shen Kai asked again.

  Xu Yuanwu nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, he is my apprentice Kang Pingxing!"

  There was a strong disbelief in his voice.

  Remember not long ago, they were still: discussing the art of sculpture together.

  The other party also made adequate preparations for this sculpture exhibition and designed a new work.

  Shen Kai was silent for a while, and said to the forensic doctor and the trace inspection personnel: "Continue to investigate, one "one eighty three"

  Don't miss the slightest clue."

  "Yes, Team Shen!"

  "Mr. Xu, come here."

  Shen Kai and Xu Yuanwu walked aside.

  "When was the last time you saw Kang Pingxing"

  Xu Yuanwu recalled: "About five days ago"

  "Five Days"

  "What is the purpose of meeting"

  Xu Yuanwudao: "For this sculpture exhibition, he said he wanted to create a brand new work and become famous in the first battle."

  "It's about this sculpture"

  Xu Yuanwu shook his head: "It should be, he didn't say much about the specific artistic elements."

  "Although I am his teacher, I have never asked about the apprentice's inspiration, whether to avoid it or avoid it."

  Shen Kai nodded slightly.

  Regardless of

  In any field, it is not uncommon for teachers to plagiarize students.

  It seems that Xu Yuanwu is an experienced artist and knows this very well.

  "and then"

  Xu Yuanwu: "Then I left. He said it could be completed within three days."

  Shen Kai was surprised: "So fast"

  Generally, the creation time of a statue will take a month or two anyway. Xu Yuanwu nodded and said: "If the direction is determined and the model is very clear in my mind, as long as the knife is skilled and works overtime, three days is enough."


  Shen nodded.

  Regarding the field of sculpture, he is of course not as professional as Xu Yuanwu.

  He went on to ask: "Since you haven't seen Kang Pingxing since then, how did this sculpture appear here?"

  Xu Yuanwu said: "When I went to find Kang Pingxing yesterday, I found that he was not there, and he didn't answer the phone."

  "This is the only thing left in the room"

  "I thought it was Kang Pingxing's work completed in the past few days. I couldn't relate to him, so I asked someone to pull it over on my own initiative."

  Shen Kai looked at Xu Yuanwu: "You don't wonder why he disappeared"

  "It's not surprising."

  Xu Yuanwu spoke subconsciously, and then his face changed slightly: "You won't doubt me!"

  Shen Kai smiled: "Don't misunderstand Mr. Xu, it's just a routine inquiry."

  Xu Yuanwu naturally would not believe this sentence.

  At the moment, he became more and more nervous.

  "Kang Kang Ping Xing is usually like this, and I can't get in touch frequently."

  "We're in the arts, and it's normal to be a little eccentric."

  "Besides, this isn't the first time. I've had problems with the phone several times."

  After listening to Xu Yuanwu's remarks, Shen Kai said: "I usually encounter similar situations.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Xing, your first reaction is what did he do?"

  Xu Yuanwu didn't think about it: "I hid for inspiration."

  "Everyone has a different way of looking for inspiration, and Kang Pingxing is the kind of person who... likes being alone."

  "In extremely quiet surroundings, his inspiration would explode."

  After asking these questions, Shen Kai fell into deep thought.

  If Xu Yuanwu's words are true.

  Then Kang Pingxing's death time was just two or three years ago, not later.

  Because of the sculpture process.

  It also takes time.

  So, does it have anything to do with the deaths of Xu Yuanwu and Kang Pingxing? In terms of age, although Xu Yuanwu does not have the general ability to commit crimes, there are many ways to kill.

  What's more, a living person can't stay in the soil honestly and let the murderer carve it.

  Although the autopsy results have not yet come out, one thing has been confirmed.

  Kang Pingxing was poured with mud for sculpture by the murderer unconsciously to complete the sculpture process.

  As for whether it is after death or in a coma, we need to wait for the results of the forensic examination.

  Regardless, it's still worth checking.

  For the relationship between Xu Yuanwu and Kang Pingxing, it is necessary to find out whether the master and apprentice are deeply in love, or whether there are many contradictions, which is extremely critical to the detection of the case.

  Afterwards, Shen Kai made a detailed inquiry again.

  "Mr. Xu, when did Kang Pingxing take you as his teacher?"

  "What kind of person is Kang Pingxing married?"

  "In the industry, what is Kang Pingxing's reputation? Is there any...well-known works?"

  "You are a master of oil painting, why does he want to learn sculpture with you instead of oil painting"

  Shen Kai asked very detailed, almost everything was omitted.

  Xu Yuanwu was also very cooperative and did not avoid any problems.

  On the other side, Fang Ze and Qin Yun, who were standing not far away, listened silently.

  Qin Yun whispered, "Fang Ze, do you think Captain Shen is a reliable person?"

  Fang Ze said strangely: "Why are you asking this?"

  Qin Yun: "I'm not curious. She looks very capable. I don't know how it compares to you."

  Fang Ze was helpless: "What's the comparison?"

  "They're all criminal police captains, and they're all for solving cases. Whoever says others must be worse than me."

  Qin Yun didn't give up and said, "Tell me now, hurry up, what would you do if this case was yours?"

  Although the case wasn't Fang Ze's, Qin Yun couldn't hold back her curiosity.

  Fang Ze smiled and said in a low voice, "Okay then."

  "From the current point of view, there is no problem with Team Shen's investigation process."


  "In a few seconds, I can accurately find the difference between the corpse sculpture and other sculptures. I haven't found Xu Yuanwu, the key figure, to determine the identity of the deceased."

  "This shows that Team Shen is a very experienced detective with a flexible mind and careful thinking."

  "If it was me, I would find Xu Yuanwu's head as soon as possible."

  "It's hard to say after that. We can only wait for the autopsy results and the scene to investigate the traces."

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