After listening to Fang Ze's words, Qin Yun nodded.

  If you say that, Shen Kai is still very powerful.

  As expected of the police captain of Dongli City Bureau.

  "Shen team, there is a strange discovery!"

  Shen Kai, who was still questioning, hurried over: "What's the matter?"

  Seeing this, Fang Ze couldn't help but lean over.

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 306 Strange characters [3]

  "Shen team, on the sculpture, two special symbols were found."

  The trace inspector took two fragments and showed them to Shen Kai.

  Shen Kai squatted on the ground and looked intently.

  One is on the chest, it is written: One is on the side of the right arm, it is written:.

  "What does it mean"

  Shen Kai frowned slightly, and whispered to himself: "Why is it like the production number, sculpture is still popular"

  He stood up and said, "Continue with the autopsy and survey."


  Coming to Xu Yuanwu again, Shen Kai said: "Mr. Xu, when you are carving, will you leave any numbers or letters on the work?"

  This question made Xu Yuanwu think for a while, then nodded and said, "Sometimes yes, sometimes not."

  "It's normal for some authors to keep their initials."

  "There are also authors who will engrave :: completion dates or symbols that they think are meaningful in places they can't see."

  "It's all possible."

  Hearing this, Shen Kai pondered for a while, then picked up the 13 pieces in his hand.

  "Do you know what that means"

  Xu Yuanwu pushed his glasses, looked carefully for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, I've never seen it before."

  "I'm afraid only the author himself can understand."

  Shen Kai continued to ask: "Do you think it is common for the sculptor to leave such strange symbols?"

  Xu Yuan Wudao: "I don't think it's strange."

  "Many sculptures have characters with special meanings in inconspicuous corners."

  Hearing this, Shen opened his brows and frowned again.

  Is it really just the personal habits of ordinary character carvers like this kind of inconsistent, meaningless chaotic bytes, as long as the carver doesn't say it, it's impossible to guess.

  He took a deep breath and was about to give up.

  At this moment, Fang Ze suddenly whispered from behind: "Shen team, chest, chest."

  Hearing the voice, Shen Kai turned his head and looked at Fang Ze suspiciously.

  Fang Ze pointed to his chest.

  Immediately, Shen opened his eyes and hurriedly raised his hand ""

  Characters, asked Xiang Xu Yuanwu: "Mr. Xu, in general, is it possible for characters to appear on the chest of the sculpture"

  Xu Yuanwu shook his head: "Of course it's impossible, the chest is a very conspicuous place, and the audience can see it at a glance, affecting the overall beauty."

  Shen's eyes flickered.

  With Fang Ze's reminder, he somewhat understood.

  This is not the sculptor's personal habit, but deliberate.

  It is even possible that it was deliberately seen.

  If you think about it further, you can't rule out provocation and showing off to the police.

  But what do these characters mean? "Mr. Xu, thank you, please take a rest and don't leave for now."

  Xu Yuanwu had to nod his head and sighed: "Yes."

  Immediately, Shen Kai came to Fang Ze with the sculpture fragments, and said, "Team, what do you think?"

  As he spoke, he picked up the fragments in his hand.

  Fang Ze glanced at it, he had seen the characters on his chest before.

  When he didn't find the body, he thought it was the sculptor's trick.

  But now, the understanding is very different.

  The strange combination of letters and numbers Fang Ze looked back and said, "I'm sorry Team Shen, I can't tell what this means.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  He is not an immortal, how could he guess the meaning immediately with just a string of characters.

  Seeing this, Shen Kai could only sigh and nod his head.

  Except for the murderer, I am afraid no one can explain it.

  At the moment, he can only put the matter on hold temporarily, focusing on the autopsy results and the trace detection of the sculpture.

  Maybe there are still fingerprints left on the sculpture.

  "Fang team, excuse me."

  Fang Ze smiled: "please."

  Seeing that Shen Kai was busy, Qin Yun poked Fang Ze quietly and whispered, "You really don't know what it means?"

  Fang Ze glanced at her and smiled bitterly: "I really don't know."

  "I'm not a murderer, how could I know what he was thinking."

  Qin Yun was suspicious: "I don't believe it, you can definitely see something, but you didn't say it."

  "Your... brain, not a human brain."

  Fang Ze was stunned: "What did you say to scold me?"

  "cough cough"

  Qin Yun coughed lightly and said, "Hee hee, I mean, you are very smart, what did you guess?"

  Fang Ze raised his brows: "Just based on a string of characters and the identity of the deceased, what do you think I can guess?"

  Qin Yun took Fang Ze's arm and said, "Tell me a little bit, please."

  "Even if it's a guess."

  Finding that her behavior was inappropriate, Qin Yun quickly let go, feeling a little embarrassed.

  For some reason, she always felt that Fang Ze must be able to see something, but she chose to keep her mouth shut.

  Fang Ze shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, come here."

  Taking Qin Yun aside, Fang Ze whispered: "There must be some guesses, but you can't tell Team Shen."

  "It's him who is investigating the case. I rashly provide the direction of the investigation. If I make a mistake, isn't it a waste of manpower and material resources and delays solving the case?"

  Hearing this, Qin Yun's eyes lit up and said, "Tell me quietly, don't worry, I'm tight-lipped."

  Fang Ze nodded and said: "Obviously, in my understanding, it should not be particularly important information and can be put on hold."

  6 "The point is that string of characters."


  "You think, it's a weird combination of letters and numbers and letters."

  "As far as I know, there is no similar information in a format that matches it."

  Qin Yun nodded unconsciously and listened carefully.

  Ever since she met Fang Ze, she has always been very interested in her detailed reasoning, which is fascinating.

  Fang Ze continued: "Since this is the case, then there is only one possibility, which is invented by the murderer himself."

  "As for the meaning, it's hard to say."

  Qin Yun glanced at Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze chuckled and said, "Of course, it's okay to take a guess."

  "The sum at the beginning is not easy to judge, the emphasis is on numbers."

  "Think about it, what day is it today?"

  Qin Yun blurted out: "Number five."

  Her face froze, and she said, "You mean, the number is the date of the murder"


  "The murderer wants to kill four people, this is a serial killing"

  Qin Yun raised the volume.


  Fang Ze hurriedly covered Qin Yun's mouth and whispered: "Be quieter"

  "It's all guesswork, what are you talking about?"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

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