Obeying orders is the duty of soldiers and policemen.

Fang Ze straightened up and stared at the figure in the distance.

The reasoning of the case here, in fact, one thing can be confirmed: as long as the person who transports the statue to Century Park is seen, the arrest can be carried out immediately.

There can be no unrelated people, at the same time, in the same place, doing the same thing as the murderer.

The chance of coincidence is almost negligible.

But Fang Ze felt something was wrong at the moment.

First is the truck.

In Plaza [-], where the second corpse sculpture appeared, a few kilometers nearby, no similar suspicious vehicles appeared in the surveillance.

So this time, the murderer will find a car and park it at the gate of the park, followed by the truck driver.

It can be seen that this person has nothing to hide except for wearing a work hat.

The gate of the park, but the key monitoring area, is enough to photograph him very clearly.

This, doesn't he know? The most important thing is the height and size of the truck driver.

Although the distance is not close, Fang Ze can roughly judge.

There is still some gap between this and the man who appeared in Plaza [-] in my mind.

So many doubts flashed through Fang Ze's mind.

A judgment emerged: this person is most likely not the murderer and has nothing to do with the case.

Next to him, Li Chao whispered: "Fang team, the statue has been unloaded, and he is about to enter the park."

Fang Ze said quickly: "Li Chao, call the city administration immediately and ask if any statues will be brought into the park tonight."

"In the name of the Municipal Bureau, let the other party investigate it as quickly as possible!"


Li Chao quickly took out his mobile phone.

During the process of Li Chao calling to verify, the truck driver had already used rollers to transport the statue into the park.

Ten minutes later, he came out of the park and lit a cigarette.

It looks like he wants to rest for a while.

After the smoke goes out, you should get in the car and leave.

Around, all the police officers looked anxious, wondering why Fang Ze still didn't give the arrest order.

If it was a little later, the other party would get in the car and run.

Fang Ze's eyes were always on the truck driver, with no intention of taking any action.

Soon, a cigarette ends.

The truck driver opened the door.

Li Chao hung up the phone, turned his head and said, "Fang team, the verification has been completed."

"There are indeed plans to deliver the statue tonight. It's a normal urban garden design, and it was in the copy a few months ago."

While speaking, Li Chao's face was full of surprise and fear.

Surprisingly, Fang Ze could see the murderer at a glance.

What I'm afraid of later is that once the action is launched just now, the murderer will definitely walk away.

All efforts will be in vain.

The case will come to a head again.

Fang Ze's eyes flickered as he watched the truck slowly drive away.

"This guy, he still has two hands ready."

Fang Ze's voice was cold.

After the first deceased appeared, the murderer ignored the police and struttingly transported the second sculpture to Plaza [-].

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

After the second deceased appeared, although the murderer still did not pay attention to the police, he made preparations just in case.

This shows that as early as a few months ago, the murderer had already arrived in Dongli and started a murder plan.

The delivery of the sculptures by the relevant departments tonight is also in his plan.

As long as a policeman appeared, he was secretly observing him, and he would immediately escape.

Then, change the way of killing and quickly complete the assassination of the fourth victim.

In the end, he left quietly, leaving no trace.

By that time, the difficulty of solving the case will skyrocket.

Even Fang Ze was not sure he could catch it.

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