Inside the car, all the police officers quickly understood that the truck that appeared just now was actually a bait.

This made them even more surprised by the degree of caution and IQ of the murderer.

In particular, how did the murderer know that the city administration will deliver the park sculpture tonight Fang Ze said into the microphone: "Everyone is on standby."

"I repeat, no one is allowed to move without my order."

Those who responded quickly understood what Fang Ze meant.

Those who responded slowly, under the reminder of others, also guessed Fang Ze's inference.

Right now, everyone is more vigilant.

The degree of difficulty of the murderer may be higher than he imagined.

After the episode passed, the road was calm again.

Time passed slowly.

1:[-]:[-] Pedestrians on the street decreased rapidly and became: empty.

It was early in the morning, and the surroundings became quieter, and even the chirping of insects and birds disappeared.

Faintly, only the slight wind and the rustling of leaves can be heard.

Occasionally a vehicle rushes past, leaving behind the deafening roar of the motor.

The street lights became the last light.


Suddenly, a white statue appeared on the street across the road.

Behind the statue is a figure hidden under a sweater.

He pushed the statue and walked slowly, gradually approaching the park gate.

The friction between the rollers and the ground is so clear in the quiet night.

Seeing this person and a statue, all the policemen and SWAT officers around were completely sleepy and became: extremely awake.

Fang Ze stared at this person for a while, then whispered: "One team, one, get ready."

"Team 1 Received!"

"The second team, 22, is ready to block all the alleys along the street."

"Second team 22 received!"

Fang Ze turned his head and said, "Li Chao, listen to my order and drive to him at the fastest speed later."

Li Chao took a deep breath, clenched the steering wheel, nodded and said, "Understood!"

The atmosphere instantly became: tense.

Everyone's bullets start to be loaded, ready to respond to any emergencies.

At this moment, the man doesn't know that he has been stared at by countless eyes.

Step by step, Fang Ze gently unlocked the door, and placed his hand on the door.

When the man and the statue were only ten meters away from the park gate.


Fang Ze's light drink sounded.

Li Chao started the car instantly.

Boom! Step on the accelerator, the roar of the engine is extremely harsh in Dongli in the middle of the night! Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 320 Suspect arrested [2]

The man's reaction was very quick.

When the sound of the engine just started, he turned his head sharply.

In his sight, a car was driving towards him at a high speed.

On the left, the same is true.

The next second, without any hesitation, he gave up the statue and rushed to the park gate ahead.

The door is locked.

Although he had a way to open it, time did not allow it.

Next to the gate is a fence.

The four-meter-high fence, with the help of the man's feet, easily turned over.

Behind him, the car had stopped, and Fang Ze opened the door and chased after him.

The other party was so decisive, which surprised everyone.

Even two seconds of hesitation is enough time.

But he didn't, and he chose to run away almost as soon as the engine rang.

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