The arrest operation was not particularly smooth at the beginning.

Dengdengdeng! The moment the man disappeared on the fence, Fang Ze followed closely and deftly turned over.

But the rest of the police were much slower.

Fang Ze ignored them and chased after them, looking for opportunities to shoot.

He can't let: the other party disappear from sight.

Century Park is very large, and there are not enough staff to complete the encirclement.

It must be caught on the spot.

The man's escape route is very tricky, either shooting blind spots or blocking obstacles.

This is enough to show that the other party has a very rich escape experience.

No matter how accurate Fang Ze's marksmanship was, he couldn't make the bullet turn.

Once he slips away tonight, it will be very difficult to find him again.

Therefore, Fang Ze will never let him leave.

The two were chasing and fleeing, very fast.

The police officers at the rear, including the special police, were almost invisible.

Bang! At a certain moment, the gunshots sounded, echoing in the silent night sky.

Fang Ze hid behind a big tree and glanced at the broken bark scattered on the ground.

The shot just now was fired by a man and hit the tree trunk.

Sure enough, this person is carrying a gun! Fang Ze let out a light breath, his ears moved slightly, and he listened carefully.

Before dodging bullets, he had identified the man's location.

The opponent cannot stay still.

Because other police officers will arrive soon.

A person like him will not let himself fall into a circle.


A few seconds later, the sound of rapid footsteps entered Fang Ze's ears.

Without any hesitation, Fang Ze quickly dodged and fired.

Bang Bang Bang! The man turned over and rushed into the bamboo forest.

All three shots failed! It's not that Fang Ze's marksmanship was inaccurate, but the man predicted the trajectory of the bullet the moment Fang Ze fired and avoided it in advance.

This kind of mind and skill is not something that ordinary people can possess.

Fang Ze snorted coldly and quickly chased after him.

Outside the bamboo forest, Fang Ze walked around with a pistol to guard the surroundings.

Breathing seemed to stop at this moment.

He stared at the bamboo forest in front of him, ready to shoot at any time.

One second, two seconds rustling! Suddenly, an abnormal sound sounded.

The voice was very soft, but it made Fang Ze feel the crisis.

Without any hesitation, Fang Ze quickly rolled to one side.

Bang! Bang! Gunshots sounded.

If Fang Ze's reaction is slower

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One point, these two shots can definitely hit him.

Bang bang bang! Fang Ze, who was half-squatting on the ground, fired several shots in the direction of the sound.

After the gunfire stopped, the surroundings became quiet again.

Fang Ze did not hear the sound of bullets penetrating his body, but hit the ground instead.


Fang Ze whispered to himself and slowly stood up.

In the distance, the footsteps of other police officers could already be heard.

Clap la la! At this moment, the sound of bamboo leaves rustling came, and Fang Ze rushed in decisively.

Through the bamboo forest, he saw the figure of the man running out.

Fang Ze raised his gun.

Bang! Almost at the same time as the gunshots rang out, the man suddenly dodged and hid behind the stone beside him.

The bullet missed.

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