There were two bullets left in Fang Ze's magazine.

He didn't change it, the clip, the muzzle pointed at the stone ahead, and approached slowly.

From beginning to end, Fang Ze didn't say a word.

He knew it was useless.

Such a person cannot be easily captured.

Even if the fish die and the net is broken, the other party cannot surrender.

There are weeds under one step or two, unable to cover up the sound of footsteps.

Fang Ze knew that the other party would definitely hear him approaching.

His eyes gradually became sharper.

Once this person escapes, there will be endless troubles.

Even if it is killed on the spot, it cannot be allowed to leave.

Da Da! At a certain moment, the footsteps sounded again.

The man used a stone to block the resulting blind spot and quickly ran towards the surrounding wall not far away.

Almost at the same time, Fang Ze strode up to catch up.

At this moment, the man was already nervous.

He didn't expect the policeman behind him to be so difficult to get rid of at all.

If it goes on like this, it will be sooner or later to be surrounded.

Must gamble! While running, the man looked at a big tree ahead.

The trunk of the big tree is about three and a half meters:.

The fence is about four meters in length.

Although it is a bit dangerous, as long as you make good use of the blind spot of vision, you can bet on the opponent's marksmanship! Thinking of this, the man gritted his teeth, missed the big tree, and jumped on the wall in front of him with his hands and feet.

As long as you leave Century Park and come to the street, there are ways to leave.

Behind him, Fang Ze immediately understood the man's intention, stood still, and did not chase after him.

At this distance, he knew he couldn't catch up.

Staring at the only remaining branch in front of him, Fang Ze raised his pistol.

Bang! The pitch-black muzzle emitted bright flames in the night sky, and the bullet shot out quickly, passing through the dense branches exactly, and hit the man's leg accurately.

The man who was about to turn over, screamed in agony, and fell directly from the wall.

Fang Ze stepped forward.

The man struggled to sit up, staring at Fang Ze who was getting closer, with a look of shock on his face.

How can this guy's marksmanship be so accurate! While shocked, he kept moving and raised his right hand.

Bang! When he was about to pull the trigger, Fang Ze's gunshot had already sounded.

The last bullet in the magazine penetrated the man's arm.

The man groaned and the gun fell to the ground.

Fang Ze stood in front of him.

Looking down at him, Fang Ze said in a low voice, "Are you still running?"

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Chapter 321 Before the trial [3]

The man clutched his arm, blocking the flow of blood a little.

He looked up at the young man in front of him and grinned: "Your Excellency is not a policeman, right?"

"Which army"

"I look down on me. I still need the help of the military to arrest me."

He regarded Fang Ze as a military elite.

In his cognition, only this kind of person can have such skills.

Although the confrontation just now was short-lived, it was full of dangers.

If it were an ordinary policeman, he would have been shot long ago.

Fang Ze put away the pistol and said, "I'm sorry you guessed wrong, I'm a policeman."

Hearing this, the man was stunned and frowned, "What position is the police officer?"

Fang Ze: "Captain of the Suhai Provincial Criminal Police, Fang Ze."

The man's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but look at Fang Ze again.

"The Chief of Criminal Police of the Provincial Office"

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