"So young!"

No wonder the opponent has such handsome skills and precise marksmanship.

Unexpectedly, he was the commander-in-chief of a province.

It seems that there is no shortage of elite talents in the police world.

It was he who underestimated it.

The man opened his mouth and said, "It's just a murder case, should I be honored to bother Captain Fang of the provincial department to come over in person?"

Fang Ze snorted coldly, "Damn you."

"I can completely pierce your head with that shot just now."

The man glanced at the wound on his arm, smiled coldly, and said, "So, I'm still useful to you"

"Captain Fang, your words don't seem to conform to the procedure."

"Can the police just kill people?"

Fang Ze stared at him and said, "I'll still say the same thing when I get to the bureau. You can sue me and see which of us is tougher."

This person's cunning level and his behavior of resisting arrest with a gun can already be characterized as an extremely dangerous person.

It is Fang Ze's right to shoot and kill.

Not to mention Fang Ze, all the police officers involved in the operation tonight can do it.

However, Fang Ze had the ability to capture him alive.

The man stopped talking.

Because it and the police have already run there.


"Fang team, are you alright?"

A dozen people surrounded and pointed guns at the man leaning against the wall.

Fang Ze said: "It's okay, take him to the public security hospital, and the special police will guard him [-] hours a day."

"Even during surgery."

"As long as he dares to make any changes, don't hesitate to shoot immediately."

"This person is very dangerous, you have to work hard, you know?"

Hearing this, everyone looked solemn and nodded in unison: "I know!"

Several people stepped forward and restrained the man.

"Also, the statue will be transported back to the city bureau."

After the order was given, Fang Ze switched the channel, and Feng said, "Shen team, someone has been caught, go directly to the public security hospital."

Shen Kai's voice quickly sounded: "What's going on at An Hospital?"

Fang Ze: "The suspect resisted arrest with a gun and was shot twice by me. It is not life-threatening, but the shrapnel needs to be taken out."

Shen Kai: "Okay, I know, go over immediately."

after an hour.

Dongli City Public Security Hospital.

The suspect is undergoing surgery, and there are more than a dozen special police officers guarding the door with guns.

Fang Ze and Shen Kai are smoking in the smoking area.

After listening to Fang Ze's description

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After speaking, Shen Kai said in surprise: "This guy is so powerful"

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Fortunately, I caught up. If it were someone else, it would be dangerous."

This is a very objective assessment.

The suspect's mind and skills have surpassed the criminal police and special police, and it is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

According to Fang Ze's estimation, this should be the most powerful murderer he has ever encountered since he crossed.

Hearing this, Shen Kai nodded solemnly.

Fortunately, Fang Ze was called over to take charge of the case, otherwise it would have been a big mess.

Whether the case can be solved or not is a matter of two, the key is whether or not people can be caught.

At that time, if there are casualties on the police side, the movement will be big.

At this moment, Shen Kai's phone rang.

He took out his phone and glanced at the caller ID.

Yu Guoxing is calling

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