"Hey Bureau Yu."

Yu Guoxing: "Has the murderer caught?"

Shen Kai: "Caught, he is a powerful character, resisted arrest with a gun, was shot twice by the squad, and is undergoing surgery in the hospital."

Over the phone, Yu Guoxing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the murderer's injury or something, he doesn't care.

It is the luck of the other party that this dangerous person who was involved in a murder case and resisted arrest with a gun was not killed on the spot.

"It's ok if someone catches it. For the follow-up work, listen to Captain Fang's wishes."

Shen Kai: "Okay, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Kai turned to look at Fang Ze and said, "Fang team, should we investigate the third deceased or the murderer first?"

Fang Ze took a cigarette and said, "Let's do it at the same time."

"The statue has been transported back to the city bureau, and the forensic doctor will hand over the autopsy report overnight to determine the identity of the deceased."

Shen Kai nodded: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

The two did not leave the hospital and chose to stay overnight here.

It wasn't until 8:[-] the next day, when Fang Ze and Shen Kai were having breakfast in the hall, they received an investigation report from the city bureau.

Shen Kai turned on the phone and said, "Fang team, the result is out."

Fang Ze was eating and said, "Read it."

Shen Kai looked at the phone and read aloud: "Cui Yingyong, male, [-] years old, occupation is a food delivery person."

"There's a three-year career gap, four-figure assets, but two properties."

Fang Ze raised his head and said, "When did you buy it?"

Shen Kai turned around and said, "The second month after the career blank period."


Fang Ze nodded and continued to eat.

Shen Kai continued: "The cause of death is the same, mechanical suffocation, and ether residues around the mouth and respiratory tract."

"no problem."

After speaking, Shen Kai put away the phone and looked at Fang Ze with admiration: "Fang team, I really convinced you, and the judgment is completely correct."

Fang Ze picked up a bottle of water and said with a smile, "The murderer thought he was smart, but unfortunately, smart was mistaken by smart."

"If he didn't leave a murder notice, I'm afraid we can't save the fourth victim."

"That's right."

Shen Kai nodded.

In such a short period of time, it is indeed difficult to lock the identity of the victim, and it is even more difficult to catch the murderer.

While chatting, breakfast was over quickly.

"Go and meet this guy."

Fang Ze collected the garbage and threw it into the trash can, and walked towards the ward with Shen Kai.

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 322 Shocked Ouyang [4]


"Shen team!"

When they saw the two coming, the SWAT team guarding the door raised their hands and saluted.

Fang Ze nodded in return, and said, "How many people are there?"

"Report to the squad, there are eight special police officers, fully armed guards, there will be no problem."

"Okay, I'll go see him."

Hearing this, the two special police officers quickly opened the door of the ward.

Fang Ze stepped in.

This is a single ward, the suspect is lying on the bed, each wrist has a handcuff, which is connected to the bed.

Unless he can break free with brute force, he will never run.

Eight SWAT officers, armed with assault rifles, stood around.

When he came to the hospital bed, Fang Ze looked at him for a while and said, "Don't sleep."

Hearing the sound, the man slowly opened his eyes.

Shen Kai stood beside him and turned on the phone recording function.

Every word of the other party will become evidence in court.

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