Fang Ze looked at Wan Xingteng and said, "Nothing else, just ask Mr. Wan for one thing."

"Oh, Officer Fang, please say it."

"As long as I can do it, it's my responsibility."

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Yongle Grand Ceremony."

As soon as the four words came out, the smile on Wan Xingteng's face immediately solidified.

Shen Kai glanced at Fang Ze.

What is the Yongle Grand Ceremony? Could it be that Ouyang murdered him because Shen Kai was not a lover of antiques and didn't know much about these antiques.

"Officer Fang of Yongyongle Grand Ceremony, I don't have one."

Wanxingteng directly denied it.

Fang Ze's smile didn't change, and he said, "Mr. Wan, to be honest, both you and I are good."

"I'm afraid you still don't know the seriousness of the matter."

"This is the police captain of Dongli City Bureau, Shen Kai."

Wan Xingteng's face changed slightly.

The captain of the criminal police came to the door in person, "I am Fang Ze, the captain of the criminal police of the Suhai Provincial Department."


Wan Xingteng was startled and looked at Fang Ze in surprise.

The captain of the provincial department is here. Could it be that the incident has been exposed? Fang Ze smiled and said, "Are you going to tell the truth now?"


Wanxingteng's expression kept changing.

Fang Ze said: "Mr. Wan, don't be nervous, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"Although my brother Wan Xingfei gave you the thing, the origin of this thing is unknown and it is not your private property."

"I represent the country and come to collect it."

"I hope you can cooperate."

Wan Xingteng immediately widened his eyes and said, "How did you know?"

Fang Ze smiled: "I know more than you think."

Shen Kai next to him didn't say a word.

He suddenly found that working with Fang Ze on the case made him much more relaxed.

It is estimated that when the other party was the captain of the Yangcheng Bureau, the people in the criminal police team treated Fang Ze like a god. Wan Xingteng fell silent.

After a while, he sighed, got up and went to the safe.

After opening it, Wanxingteng took out a kraft paper bag and handed it to Fang Ze.

"Fang team, this is what you want."

Fang Ze took it and opened it. After confirming that it was correct, he said, "Thank you, Mr. Wan, for your cooperation."

"I have something to tell you, in fact, this thing in your hands will make you very dangerous."

Wan Xingteng, who had just sat down, was taken aback and said, "What do you mean?"

Fang Ze said: "We just solved a serial murder case, the murderer killed three people in a row, just for this thing."

"The next target is you."

Hearing this, Wan Xingteng's face became: slightly pale.

Fang Ze said: "Mr. Wan, don't worry, people have been caught, you are safe."

"However, it is better to be careful in the near future, and do not rule out the possibility of the other party's comeback."

Wan Xingteng said quickly: "Fang team means, they will come again"

Fang Ze said with a smile: "I'm talking about the near future, these days."

"Don't worry, we will spread the news and tell everyone in the world that the original copy of the Yongle Canon has been included in the Central South National Museum."

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Chapter 328 Black Card [1]

Inside the courtyard.

Elder Zhou and Li Ruisi looked at Fang Ze at the same time.

You can clearly see the uncertainty on Fang Ze's face.

Obviously, the news on the phone took him by surprise.

In their impression, they seem to have never seen Fang Ze lose his temper, and they have always been full of confidence.

It is estimated that something happened, which was beyond Fang Ze's expectations.

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