"how to die"

"Okay, I got it, let's do a preliminary survey of the scene, try to keep it as complete as possible, and wait for me to go back."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Ze stood there in a daze for a while, then sat down slowly.

Old Zhou said, "What's the matter, Ozawa, what happened?"

Fang Ze frowned slightly and said, "If someone died, it's not right, what's wrong?"


Zhou Lai was surprised: "Who made you so surprised?"

It's not uncommon for people to die in the police force.

Especially for Fang Ze, he has seen too much.

Not to show such a demeanor.

Could it be that the person who died is very important to Fang Ze. Faced with Elder Zhou's question, Fang Ze did not hide it and replied, "Elder Zhou, didn't I tell you before that the murderer killed three people?"


Zhou Lao nodded and said, "The Yongle Grand Ceremony is in the hands of four people. When the murderer finished killing the third person, he was caught by you. I remember."

Fang Ze said: "The murderer has been caught. According to my judgment, the fourth person should be safe for the time being."

"As long as the news of Yongle Grand Ceremony's inclusion spreads, those forces will stop thinking about it and won't risk killing an unrelated person."

"What's more, this fourth person has nothing to do with the criminal gang at all."

Zhou Lao said in surprise: "You are the one who said death"


Fang Ze nodded and said, "The deceased's name is Wan Xingteng, the chairman of a company in Dongli."

"The Yongle Grand Ceremony was originally in the hands of his younger brother Wan Xingfei. It is estimated that something went wrong when he was chased and killed, and he handed it over to Wan Xingteng."

Zhou Lao quickly understood: "It turns out that this is the case. Before you come, you are sure that Wanxingteng is safe."

Fang Ze said: "Absolutely safe."

"The murderer acted alone, without help."

"And he came to Dongli to investigate for a few months. Only he knows something, and it is in Wanxingteng's hands."

"Take a step back, even if the murderer reported the investigation results before, the news of his arrest should not have spread so quickly."

"According to my inference, Wan Xingteng, it is impossible to invite the disaster of death."

Zhou Laodao said, "Didn't you search the murderer's residence? Maybe it's already startled."

Fang Ze shook his head and said, "No."

"The murderer was a maverick."

"In other words, he's a very careful man."

"Believe no one but himself."

"It is absolutely impossible to let one's residence be exposed."

"Including myself."

After listening to Fang Ze's words, Zhou Lao also began to wonder.


"That's really weird."

Beside him, Li Ruisi, who had been silent, seemed to understand.

No wonder Fang Ze was so surprised.

A person who was absolutely safe died suddenly, which surprised Fang Ze.

Fang Ze said to himself: "This is too fast."

"Just met yesterday and died"

"how can that be"


Fang Ze's eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhou Laodao: "What did you think of?"

Fang Ze said slowly: "Unless it has nothing to do with this case, the person who killed him has another reason, and the timing is just a coincidence."

Zhou Lao did not comment any further.

In solving the case, he

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Not as good as Fang Ze.

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