"what happened"

Shen Kai didn't speak, and handed the evidence bag in his hand to Fang Ze.

"Fang team, take a look."

Fang Ze took it.

Inside the evidence bag is a black card.

Criminal: Wan Xing Teng.

Charge: Intentional homicide.

Executor: Shadow.

Fang Ze glanced at the end of the card.

There is a line of small characters there: Captain Fang, hello.

Guess who the next person is

Chapter 329 Shadows in the Darkness [2]

Time goes back to October [-]th, twelve o'clock in the evening.

That is, it was twelve o'clock last night.

Dongli City, the intersection of Chengshan Road and Tinglan Road, the intersection.

Dongli is a city that never sleeps, even at night, the hustle and bustle will not stop.

However, some residential areas are exceptions.

At twelve o'clock, it is already the time when all things are quiet and sleep peacefully.

There are very few vehicles coming and going, not a single one can be seen for a few minutes.

Even the traffic lights turned yellow and flashed constantly, signaling vehicles to slow down at the intersection.

As for pedestrians, not a single one can be seen.

I don't know when, next to the intersection, a fire lit up.

A man with mixed white hair squatted here, silently burning yellow paper.

The faint light of the fire looked so dazzling in the dark night.

Occasionally a breeze blows, rolling up the black powder on the ground and rolling in the air.

Curls of smoke wafted around.

If you look closely, you can clearly see that the man is not an old man, only in his forties.

But I don't know what he experienced, so that his black hair was covered with silver threads.

"Xuan'er, it's been three years"

"Dad is here to see you"

"How are you down there?"

Muttering to himself sounded, and there was choking and sadness in the man's voice.

"Hey, why did this happen to you?"

The man's expression became more and more sad.

"Dad will burn you some paper money."

"Buy what you want, don't save"

Tears could not be stopped, and the man had a cry.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps.

In the distance, a young man in a black trench coat and a black mask walked slowly.

Soon, he was standing next to the man.

The man was always in grief, not paying attention to anyone approaching.

"Du Guoan."

The young man's low voice sounded.


Du Guoan turned his head subconsciously when his name was called.

He glanced at the strangely dressed young man and said, "Who are you, do we know each other?"

The young man crouched down, picked up the paper money and threw it into the fire, saying, "We don't know each other, but I know your daughter, Du Lexuan."


How long.

He hadn't heard his daughter's full name from someone else's mouth for a long time.

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