"You are Xuan'er's friend"

"You know today is her death day"

The young man nodded and said, "I know."

Du Guoan wiped his tears and said, "Thank you, thank you for remembering."

"Xuan'er has a friend like you, I'm very happy."

The young man was silent and continued to pick up.

Throw in the fire.

The fire has been getting hotter.

Du Guoan's kind voice sounded: "lady, what's your name?"

Youth: "Shadow."


The man was surprised and said, "This is a very strange name."

Youth: "This is my own name, some places need me."


Du Guoan nodded in understanding.

"Good name."

"Are you and Xuan'er classmates?"

The youth said: "That's right."

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

"very nice"

Du Guoan's tears burst out again.

He seemed to see the shadow of his daughter from the youth.

The young man said in a low voice, "Do you still remember how Du Lexuan died?"

Although this was impolite, Du Guoan didn't care and sighed: "Of course I remember, I died in a car accident."

Youth: "The autopsy report, the investigation process, do you understand?"


Du Guoan shook his head: "I don't know, it's just an accident, there is no investigation process."

Youth said: "Does the perpetrator remember?"

Du Guoan was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Remember, Wan Xingteng."

Youth: "On the surface, it is indeed an accident, and the brake marks and other clues are very obvious."

"But I have to tell you that your daughter was killed."

As soon as these words came out, Du Guoan's face suddenly changed.

"What did you say!"

The young man repeated: "Du Lexuan, was killed by someone."

"you you"

The young man continued: "This case will never come to light."

"See, this is the darkness under the sun."

Du Guoan became excited and said, "Who is it!"

The young man said: "It will be there soon."

"Don't worry, he will bury your daughter with you."

"Since the police do nothing, I can do it for me."

After speaking, the young man threw the last paper money into the fire and stood up slowly.

Du Guoan then stood up and said anxiously: "How did you know?"

The young man said softly: "I naturally have my own way."

"If you don't believe it, after the fact, you can ask the police to re-investigate."

After speaking, the young man turned his head and looked at a car approaching in the distance.

He took out his tablet and did some quick operations.

The yellow light that was flickering turned into a red light in an instant.

The black Mercedes came to the intersection and slowly stopped.

The young man stepped forward.

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