Dong dong dong! The sound of fingers knocking on the window sounded.

The window fell, Wan Xingteng asked in doubt: "Is something wrong?"

The young man wore a black mask, his sharp eyes shot directly at Wan Xingteng, and said faintly: "Du Lexuan asked me to tell you that she has been waiting for you below for a long time."

As soon as these words came out, Wan Xingteng's face changed greatly.

"Who are you!"

"You don't have to know."

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man shot out instantly, and the blade clipped at his fingertips slashed across Wan Xingteng's neck.

呲! Blood spurted out.

Wan Xingteng's eyes widened, clutching his neck tightly, trying to stop the blood from flowing.

But it was useless, a lot of blood slid down the fingers.

He slurred, "How do you know?"

He didn't finish.

The young man turned around calmly and walked into the distance.

When passing by Du Guoan, he left a sentence.

"Your daughter, you can rest in peace."

Du Guoan stood there blankly.

There was fear and panic on his face, puzzled that all this happened so fast that he had no time to react.

When Du Guoan came back to his senses, he turned his head sharply.

The youth have gone far.

Only a long shadow remained.

It's a shadow in the dark

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 330 Extrajudicial Executors? 【3】

Time goes back to the present.

Fang Ze stared at the black card in his hand for a while, then raised his head and said, "Shen team, what's going on?"

"Did you know something"

Shen Kai nodded helplessly and said, "I know."

"Not only I know, but many people know."

Fang Ze frowned slightly: "What's going on?"


Shen Kai glanced back at the crime scene and said, "Otherwise, when the processing is over here, I will tell you slowly when I return to the bureau."


Fang Ze nodded and went to the Mercedes-Benz with Shen Kai.

The window was open, and Wan Xingteng fell on the steering wheel, covering his neck with his hands, as if to prevent the blood from flowing.

But the throat was cut, which was fatal.

It will die in a very short time.

Even the murderer, standing here watching him die.

Fang Ze bent around: observed for a while, and said, "Death time"

Shen Kai said: "Around twelve o'clock last night."

Fang Ze: "Have you found the murder weapon?"

Shen Kai: "No, according to the forensic investigation, it should be a very sharp knife that can easily cut people's skin."

"What about monitoring?"

"Deleted by someone."


Fang Ze got up straight and turned to look at Shen Kai: "Deleted"

Shen Kai nodded: "Someone hacked into the traffic monitoring system last night and deleted all the videos before and after the incident."

Hearing this, Fang Ze raised his brows: "A master."

"It appears to be a premeditated murder."

"Anything else found?"

Shen Kai said: "The murderer didn't leave anything behind."

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