"Nothing left"

"Is it so clean?"

Fang Ze whispered to himself.

"Clean up the scene, let's go."

Fang Ze said.

Shen Kai nodded and waved at the police officer next to him.

Fang Ze lowered his head and looked at the surrounding ground.

It's a pity that it's an asphalt road, and nothing like footprints is left.

What's more, the murderer's hands are so neat and tidy, he should not ignore any traces.

Intuition tells Fang Ze that this is probably another difficult person.

As for how difficult it is, we need to see the results of the subsequent investigation.

Fang Ze looked left and right, and finally his eyes were fixed on the intersection not far away.

There, there was a dark trail.

Fang Ze raised his foot and walked over.

Squatting on the ground, Fang Ze touched it with his index finger and put it under his nose to smell it.

Shen Kai followed and said, "Fang team, is there any problem?"

Fang Ze said: "The time of death was around twelve o'clock last night"

Shen Kai nodded: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Staring at the traces on the ground for a while, Fang Ze said, "Someone burned paper money here last night."


Hearing this, Shen Kai squatted down and looked at the marks on his face.

"How do you know it's paper money"

Fang Ze rubbed the remaining embers on his fingers and said, "The ashes after burning paper look the same, but they are actually quite different."

"The paper we usually use has higher craftsmanship, and the ashes after burning are more delicate."

"And paper money, that is, yellow paper, has rough craftsmanship, a lot of impurities, and even harmful substances will exceed the standard."

"After professional trace identification, it is easy to judge."

After listening to Fang Ze's words, Shen Kai looked at him in surprise and said, "You can tell it's yellow paper at a glance"

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

The other party's ability in trace detection is also so omnipotent! Fang Ze did not answer this question, saying: "Although the specific time cannot be determined, it may be before the incident."

"Maybe after the person who burned the paper left, the murderer killed."

"It's also possible to watch the killer kill."

Shen Kai's eyes narrowed: "You mean there may have been witnesses last night"

Fang Ze nodded: "There is such a possibility."

Hearing this, Shen Kai sighed and said, "It's a pity that the surveillance is gone, this is a major clue."

"Let's go, go back and talk."

Fang Ze got up

The finishing work was handed over to his subordinate criminal police, and Fang Ze and Shen Kai drove away first.


On the way, the voice in his head made Fang Ze's mouth twitch.

Why is the reward of this system so shabby? This case is not simple at all.

A complex killing code is enough to blow a normal person's brain into flames.

What is the standard for the system to judge "Hey, can you communicate?"

Inside the car, Fang Ze said to the system.

Except for the first time of crossing, when the system is integrated, there are questions and answers, the rest of the time is like death, no matter how you call it.

A cool one.

"I am speechless."

Fang Ze couldn't help but say.

Next to him, Shen Kai turned his head and said, "Fang team, what did you say?"


Fang Ze smiled and said: "It's nothing, just complaining about the case is a bit too much."

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