Indirectly led to the death of Hou Chengde and was "shadowed"

Cut throat.

Shen Kai sighed and said, "Hou Chengde is a professor at Dongli University."

"His reputation is very high, not because of his knowledge, but because of his fraternity."

"After retiring, Hou Chengde used his retirement salary and savings to support countless college students with difficult families, and he also adopted many orphans and gave them the opportunity to go to school."

"There's a lot more than that."

"In short, Hou Chengde is a person worthy of respect."

Fang Ze was silent for a while, then said, "How did you die?"

Shen Kai said: "This Xu Xing is a robber."

"When Hou Chengde gave money to poor college students and children, he stole all his money."

"After calling the police, he was never caught. The helpless Hou Chengde took over private work, worked overtime to make money, and finally died suddenly at home."

"At that time, the influence of the fishing boats was not small: they all demanded that the robbers be shot."

"But this is not in accordance with the legal process."

"In the end, when the police found Xu Xing, his throat was cut by the shadow."

After listening to Shen Kai's words, Fang Ze's eyes flickered.

He slowly leaned back on the chair and rubbed his forehead.


After a while, Fang Ze said, "It's all checked out."

"There is no innocent man in his hands"

Shen Kai nodded and said, "None of them."

"If it were placed in ancient society, I don't know how many times it died."


Fang Ze turned his head to look at Shen Kai, and said, "Listening to what Team Shen said, I seem to have a little respect for Shadow."

Shen Kai smiled bitterly and said, "I don't think it's admirable, I just think"

Fang Ze said: "His feelings are pitiful, and his actions can be forgiven"

Shen Kai thought about it and nodded.

"What does the team think?"

Fang Ze said: "In ancient times, he was indeed a man of benevolence and righteousness, and a great man of chivalry."

"But not now."

"If everyone imitates the shadow, society will be in chaos."

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

"Huaxia, there must be no such person."

Shen Kai nodded slightly.

He is a rational person and agrees with Fang Ze's words.

Dong dong dong! Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Shen Kai turned back: "Come in."

The door opened, and a police officer said, "Fang team, someone is looking for it."

Hearing this, Fang Ze subconsciously turned his head.

"Fang Ze!"

Accompanied by the voice, Luo Bixin stretched out his head and looked over with a smile on his face.

"Why are you here?"

Fang Ze was stunned for a moment, and quickly stood up.

"Come and see you, no way"

Luo Bixin said while walking.

She wanted to give Fang Ze a hug, but when she saw someone was there, she gave up.

Shen Kai glanced suspiciously at Luo Bixin, and said hesitantly: "Fang team, this is"

Fang Ze smiled and said, "This is the captain of the criminal police of Penghai Municipal Bureau, Luo Bixin, my girlfriend."


Shen opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at Luo Bixin.

Girlfriend is wrong.

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