What happened to the previous Director Qin? After reacting for a few seconds, Shen Kai looked at Fang Ze in admiration.

Fang Ze didn't pay attention to Shen Kai's expression, looked at Luo Bixin and said, "Refill, this is Captain Shen of Dongli City Bureau."


Luo Bixin smiled.

"oh hello hello"

Shen Kai said quickly.

After the introduction, Fang Ze said strangely: "How do you know I'm here? Besides, isn't it during work?"

Luo Bixin smiled and said, "Didn't you say you were handling the case in Dongli? I guess it must be at the Municipal Bureau."

"I've asked Zhong Ju for leave. There haven't been any cases over there recently, so I'm just being lazy."

Hearing this, Fang Ze shook his head with a smile, and said, "Okay, you won."


Luo Bixin smiled and said, "By the way, what case?"

"How's it going?"

Fang Ze didn't mention the hijacking incident and the serial murder case, but pointed to the computer and said, "No clue yet."

"Oh not even you"

Luo Bixin curiously leaned over and stared at the computer.

When Luo Bixin was looking at the information, Fang Ze said: "Shen team, the shadow case has been happening for so long, why didn't a task force be set up?"

According to general procedures, if there is an unsolved case with great influence, the police should set up a special task force to focus on the investigation.

But looking at the current situation, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Shen Kai explained: "The shadow's whereabouts are erratic, and many cities have appeared."

"Dongli's side counts today, it's only twice."

"If a task force is set up, the location and direction are not easy to determine. Only each city can investigate separately."

Fang Ze pondered slightly, and said, "Is there any sign before the shadow kills?"

Shen Kaidao: "Sometimes the police will receive a homicide notice, which is what Shadow calls a death notice."

"Sometimes not."

"Like today, after a person dies, the black card left behind is discovered."

Fang Ze nodded.

Shen Kaidao: "Fang team, Wan Xingteng's crime is intentional homicide."

"But there seems to be no record of similar cases in recent times."

"The next step is to check Wan Xingteng, or check Shadow directly"

Fang Ze said directly: "Transfer all the information about the car accident three years ago to me."

"car accident"

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 332 The car accident three years ago [2]

"car accident"

Shen Kai was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded: "Fang team, you suspect that there was a problem with the accident three years ago."

Fang Ze asked back, "Do you think there are other possibilities?"

Shen Kai was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, just wait, I'll go and adjust it for you right away."

After speaking, Shen Kai turned around and left the lounge.

At this point, Luo Bixin had already read all of Shadow's actions in the past few years.

She straightened up and took a deep breath.

"I never thought that there would be people like this in the world."

Fang Ze turned his head and said, "There will be no shortage of people of any kind, it's just that we don't know."

Luo Bixin nodded slightly.

Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin and said with a chuckle, "What do you think about this shadow?"


Luo Bixin thought about it and said, "It's very similar to you."


"Why do you say that."

Luo Bixin pointed at the computer screen and said, "Although I haven't seen this person, I can feel the justice in his heart."

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