His mood became: excited.

After taking a few deep breaths, Du Guoan gave Fang Ze a deep look.

"It's not you who avenged my daughter."

Fang Ze was silent.

At this moment, Luo Bixin took a step forward and said angrily, "What do you mean by that?"

"We are the criminal police of Yangcheng!"

"It wasn't us who handled the case three years ago!"

"do you know who he is"


Fang Ze raised his hand and stopped Luo Bixin's words.


Du Guoan shook his head, ignored Luo Refill, and turned to leave.

Shen Kai did not stop it.

Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze worriedly and said, "Fang Ze, don't think too much."

Fang Ze chuckled and said, "Am I that vulnerable?"

"In the final analysis, it was the person who handled the case at the time who had a problem."

"The traffic police team and the criminal police team are all responsible."

Shen Kai opened his mouth: "Fang team, me"

Fang Ze turned his head and said, "Who is in charge of the case?"

Shen Kai sighed: "It's mainly the traffic police. After the responsibility for the accident was determined, no case was filed."

"The officers who dispatched the police at that time have records."

Fang Ze put out the cigarette and said, "Let's be held accountable. If there is any difficulty, I can call the ministry."

Dongli is a municipality directly under the central government, and Fang Ze has no direct authority.

Hearing this, Shen Kai was taken aback and said quickly, "Fang team is serious, I'll do it right away."

He already knew the energy behind Fang Ze from Yu Guoxing, how dare he say a word.

If this matter goes to Zhongnan, let alone him, Yu Guoxing will have to eat and walk around.

"Not urgent."

Fang Ze stopped Shen Kai, who wanted to leave, and said, "Give me the death notice."

"Okay, the team will wait a moment."

Shen Kai left the reception room.

After a while, Shen Kai returned and handed the evidence bag to Fang Ze.

Fang Ze took it and glanced at it.

Criminal: Zheng Xuyao.

Charge: Intentional homicide.

Executor: Shadow.

Execution date: October 6th, [-]:[-] pm.

For the first time, a date of death appears.

Putting the evidence bag on the table, Fang Ze said, "Have you finished the investigation at the hospital?"

Shen Kai nodded: "It's very good to check, Du Lexuan has been to the obstetrics and gynecology department, and she is indeed pregnant."

Fang Ze nodded.

Shen Kai: "There is another coincidence"


Shen Kai pointed at the black card and said, "Zheng Xuyao, is the surgeon of this hospital."

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Chapter 335 Meet Zheng Xuyao ​​[1]

"so coincidental"

It was Luo Bixin who spoke.

"Du Lexuan's examination at this hospital."

"Zheng Xuyao ​​is the surgeon in this hospital."

"Is there any connection between the two"

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