"Du Lexuan's death, there are other people involved"

Luo Bixin's words made Shen Kai sink into deep thought.

People's first reaction is to think so.

After all, the Wanxingteng couple's case has just happened, and the possibility of other victims cannot be ruled out.

The two looked at Fang Ze, wanting to hear what he thought.

Fang Ze scratched his forehead and said, "The Du Lexuan car accident case, Shadow should have been investigating for a while."

"A non-police officer can find clues from an old case three years ago, which shows that this person has a good investigation ability."

"From his point of view, Du Lexuan's matter should be over."

"This Zheng Xuyao, I guess it's because of other things."

Hearing this, Shen Kai pondered slightly and said, "Fang team, there are more things in hand now, what should I do?"

Fang Ze said directly: "Check Zheng Xuyao."

"There are no innocents in the hands of the shadows, aren't they?"

"See if he has any problems."

Shen Kai nodded: "Okay."

Fang Ze: "By the way, how is the surveillance?"

Shen Kai was helpless: "Like the scene of Wan Xingteng's death, all the surveillance points that can be photographed have been deleted."

Hearing this, Fang Ze nodded and said, "He is a cautious person."

"Actually, monitoring is of little significance. When he committed the murder, he must have been disguised."

"We can only roughly judge vague clues such as height."

"That's the case, he still deleted the surveillance, this is not a trace left for us."

Shen Kai nodded, he felt the difficulty of this person.

What's more, this person walks in front of the police every time.

Comes without a trace, goes without a trace.

Fang Ze got up and said, "Put everything down and go to the hospital."

"It's Zheng Xuyao ​​for a while."

"Also, give me a copy of his information."

8:0 pm: [-]:[-].

A car left the city bureau and drove towards Dongli Second Hospital.

Inside the car, Fang Ze held the tablet and slowly slid.

He was looking at Zheng Xuyao's life and basic information.

"Graduated from medical school and is now the director of surgery at the Second Hospital"

"Thirty-five, with a ten"

"The medical skills are superb, saving many dying patients. After reading it, Fang Ze said, "This Zheng Xuyao ​​has a good evaluation in the industry."

Beside him, Luo Bixin reached out and took the tablet.

On the co-pilot, Shen Kai turned his head and said, "Yes, even I have heard his name."

"A friend's operation was performed by him, and he is a very ethical doctor."

Fang Ze nodded slightly.

After reading it, Luo Bixin said strangely: "It looks like a rare good doctor, how could he be suspected of murder?"

After speaking, Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze.

Seeing Luo Refill's eyes, Fang Ze said helplessly, "How do you see what I'm doing, I don't know."

"I just heard the name Zheng Xuyao, you think I'm a god."

Shen Kai turned around and smiled and said, "Isn't there a saying that you know the person, know the face, but don't know the heart?

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


Luo Bixin: "It's also possible, it's that... the person who calls himself Shadow, got it wrong."

"Everyone makes mistakes."

"Didn't you make mistakes too?"

Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin, nodded and said, "I have committed a crime."

"But in terms of targeting suspects, no."

Luo Bixin blinked and said, "You seem to believe in shadows"

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