"To destroy another family for one's own family"

Fang Ze said lightly: "People are inherently selfish, including me and you."

"It's up to us how we choose."

Luo Bixin was silent.

It's not rude, it's the truth.

At the same time, she is also very strange: "How does the shadow know such a secret thing?"

Fang Ze chuckled: "Don't underestimate anyone."

"There is never a shortage of geniuses in this world."

Hearing this, Luo Bixin stared at Fang Ze for a while, then smiled, "I understand, you'll know just by looking at it."

Fang Ze smiled and said nothing.

While Fang Ze was investigating the test strips and reagents, Zheng Xuyao ​​had been in the reception room.

In addition to Shen Kai today, there is also an extra criminal policeman who stayed beside Zheng Xuyao ​​on shift shifts.

Still the same sentence: Don't let: Zheng Xuyao, leave the police's sight.

Shen Kai did this very well.

Even if you go to the toilet, the police will follow you.

Food and drink are all provided by the police.

With such close surveillance, Shen Kai would never believe that someone would kill someone under his nose.

2pm: [-]:.

During this period, Zheng Xuyao ​​did not receive any notice of surgery.

All the time, in my own office.

This made Zheng Xuyao ​​feel more and more irritable.

Although I understand that the police are protecting themselves, the physical and psychological changes are not controlled by the brain at all.

Shen Kai was very calm. He looked at Zheng Xuyao, who was restless, and said with a smile: "Doctor Zheng, hold on, six:6: It will be there soon."

Zheng Xuyao ​​grinned and said, "Officer Shen, are you sure it's 6:[-]:?"

"The murderer told you the time"

Shen Kai didn't answer the question and said, "Don't ask so many questions, just wait with peace of mind."

According to the psychological analysis of Shadow, Fang Ze and he agreed that the other party is a very strict person.

In other words, nitpick.

He does not allow mistakes in his own hands.

So, since the black card marked 6:[-]:, it will not be missed.

As for whether it will give up halfway, it is unknown.

Shen Kai really couldn't figure out how the other party would appear in the hospital under the control of the police.

On the other side, Fang Ze stared at the computer and breathed a long sigh of relief.

He showed a smile and said, "I found it."

"I think I can have a good chat with Zheng Xuyao."

At the same time, far away in a dilapidated building on the outskirts of Dongli.

Familiar black windbreaker, familiar ink mask.

The young man looked up and stepped inside.

Even in a prosperous capital like Dongli, there will be no shortage of poor corners

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Chapter 339 Six o'clock in the afternoon! 【2】

Dong dong dong! There was a slight knock on the door.


A woman's voice came from inside the room.

Footsteps sounded from far to near.

Soon, the door opened.

A woman in her thirties who opened the door, dressed very plainly, looked haggard.

It seems that he often stays up late to work overtime.

The woman glanced at the young man and asked in doubt, "Who are you looking for?"

Youth Road: "Is Guo Lanying?"

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