The woman nodded and said, "It's me, may I ask you?"

Youth: "I'm Li Fei's friend."

Hearing the name Li Fei, Guo Lanying froze for a moment, her eyes a little sad.

Afterwards, she tried her best to squeeze a smile and said sideways: "It turns out to be my husband's friend, please come in."


The young man nodded and stepped into the room.

From beginning to end, his voice has been calm, without ups and downs, without joy or sadness.

Inside the living room.

Guo Lanying put a cup of hot tea on the coffee table and smiled: "Drink some water, what do you call it?"


The young man spoke up.


The name is rather strange.

Guo Lanying glanced at the young man's mask, she wanted to ask, but she felt it was not very polite, so she gave up.

Maybe it's a personal habit, I like to wear a mask.

The young man looked around and said, "What about your child?"

Guo Lanying sat on the sofa and said, "I'm doing my homework."


The young man nodded.

"How is life after Li Fei's death?"

Guo Lanying sighed and said, "That's it, the mainstay of the family is gone, we can only support one day, count as one day."

The young man nodded slightly.

He knew that Guo Lanying was a laid-off female worker, and after the birth of her child, she became a full-time mother.

All the family's sources of income depend on Li Fei.

Now that Li Fei is dead, Guo Lanying's difficulties in life can be imagined.

In addition to the usual expenses, there is also the money for the children to go to school.

This is the bottom single mother.

"Li Fei"

The youth speaks.

"What's wrong with Li Fei?"

Guo Lanying looked at the young man strangely.

The young man shook his head: "It's okay, I remember it was a cerebral hemorrhage, right?"

Guo Lanying sighed again and said, "Yes."

"Who would have thought that fate would play such a big joke on me."

"He was so young, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage"

"No way, the mortality rate of cerebral hemorrhage is already very high."

The youth are silent.

"Are you Li Fei's friend or colleague?"

While chatting, time passed slowly.

Soon, it was 4:[-] in the afternoon: [-]:.

At this time, Dongli Second Hospital.

Zheng Xuyao ​​sat there quietly, with his head down, his face was very ugly.

Fang Ze's eyes were fixed on him, and he said, "I'll ask again, what happened to Li Fei's death?"

Zheng Xuyao's face changed a few times, and he gritted his teeth: "Officer Fang, I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Li Fei is my patient, yes."

"But he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the operation failed and he died. What does it have to do with me?"

"If you don't believe me, you can check all the doctors and nurses involved in the operation at that time!"

"They can all testify against me!"

Hearing the words, Fang Ze asked back: "You are the chief surgeon to testify. How do they testify and how do they know what you were thinking at the time?"

Zheng Xuyao ​​was silent for a while, and said, "This is your business, not me!"

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