is the devil.

Fang Ze stared at the photo for a while, then turned to the second page.

Behind, the results of a full autopsy

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 344 View the file [2]

The autopsy report showed that there were dozens of different degrees of trauma on the bodies of the two deceased.

These injuries are found in almost every part of the body.

There are also traces of being bound by ropes on the wrist.

Perhaps because of the struggle, the binding marks were very obvious, and even flesh and blood could be seen.

And somewhere, the deceased was destroyed beyond recognition.

This is enough to show that the deceased had suffered countless tortures before dying.

It was a psychologically devastating blow to a young girl who had not yet been deeply involved in the world.

Fang Ze looked at it for a while, and said without raising his head, "Wu Fei, go get the file."

"it is good."

Wu Fei nodded and turned to leave.

Soon, Fang Ze read the entire contents of the autopsy report.

He looked up at Qin Yun and said, "In other words, the two deceased were imprisoned in the warehouse and suffered three to five days of torture."

Qin Yun nodded: "That's right."

Referring to this matter, a trace of coldness appeared in her eyes again.

Such a bastard with no conscience, if he was caught, he would be shot ten times! Fang Ze returned the autopsy report to Qin Yun and asked, "There is no cause of death, what's going on?"

"Are there no fatal wounds on the corpse?"

While speaking, Fang Ze subconsciously looked at the corpse on the stage.

Qin Yun said: "There is no fatal injury."

"More precisely, it is impossible to tell which wound was fatal."

"Because there are too many wounds on the corpse, there are wounds on the neck, wrist, and head, etc."

"From a forensic point of view, these injuries are potentially fatal."

Hearing this, Fang Ze nodded slightly.

If so, it's really hard to judge.

Possibly excessive blood loss.

There may also be a head injury.

It is even possible that the victim had a mental breakdown and died.

If so, there is no need to look further.

This is not a very important clue to this case.

Fang Ze pondered slightly and said, "Sleeping pills"

"This thing is can buy it casually, has Wu Fei checked it?"

At present, the state's control of sleeping drugs is still relatively strict, at least not available in ordinary pharmacies.

You need to go to the hospital to issue a prescription and buy it with an ID card.

Qin Yun nodded and said, "I asked him."

"Before the incident, there were many people who bought sleeping pills in the city, and they were all registered."

"It is very time-consuming to investigate one by one, but Wu Fei is still investigating."

"It is estimated that all investigations will be completed in a few days."

Fang Ze said, "Are you looking for a needle in a haystack?"

"That's all it can do without any other clues."

After a while, Wu Fei came back with one piece in his hand.

Handing the document to Fang Ze, Wu Fei said: "Captain, this is all the investigation and progress, take a look."

"it is good."

Fang Ze took it and asked: "How is the investigation of sleeping pill buyers?"

Referring to this matter, Wu Fei sighed: "I'm still investigating, so far there is no result."

"Everyone investigated before has nothing to do with the deceased."

Fang Ze opened the information and said, "Except it doesn't matter, is there anything else?"

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