Wu Fei wondered: "Is there anything else?"

Fang Ze glanced at him and said, "You went to the screening based on whether you have any relationship or not."

Wu Fei nodded subconsciously: "Yes."

Fang Ze replied: "If

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What if the crime was committed immediately?"


Wu Fei didn't react for a while, not knowing how to answer.

If that's the case, wouldn't the scope of the investigation be too large? Fang Ze smiled and said, "Don't think too much, the murderer is probably an acquaintance, I just want to test you."

"Why did I get nervous when I saw you? I've never seen you nervous before."


Wu Fei smiled embarrassedly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Fang Ze: "Have you thought about it now?"

Wu Fei nodded and said, "I thought of it."

"The deceased was a student, and his communication was relatively narrow."

"If the deceased can take sleeping pills without realizing it, it is very likely that he was an acquaintance of the deceased, at least he knew each other."


Fang Ze nodded.

At this time, Qin Yun hesitated and said, "What if an outsider accosted the deceased and coaxed the deceased to take diazepam?"

Fang Ze turned his head to look at Qin Yun, smiled and said, "Don't raise the bar, we are investigating the case."


Qin Yun was taken aback.

Fang Ze didn't say much, opened the file and paced back and forth, watching carefully.

Taking advantage of this gap, Wu Fei hurriedly came over and whispered: "Director Qin, it is most likely that the murderer is an acquaintance, you are talking about a small probability event."

"Investigating cases, of course, should focus on high-probability events."

"If the direction is wrong, it will move to a small probability event."

"And besides sleeping pills, the captain should have other arguments."

After listening to Wu Fei's words, Qin Yun nodded.

She is really not good at investigating cases, but she believes in Fang Ze.

It took Fang Ze five minutes to read the entire contents of the dossier.

Including visits around the crime scene, surveillance, and inquiries to the relatives and friends of the deceased, written in great detail.

According to the general case handling procedures, it can be said that Wu Fei has done everything he should do.

And well done.

It seems that Wu Fei is really growing after leading the team alone.

Returning the dossier to Wu Fei, Fang Ze looked at Xiao Hongbo and said, "Hongbo, on the scene, trace identification results, how sure are you?"

Xiao Hongbo said: "Captain, I am [-]% sure."

"Although the footprints at the crime scene are very messy, they can still be extracted after careful analysis."

"Suspicious points are all in the file."

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded.

"Wu Fei, I'm going out."

Hearing this, Wu Fei hurriedly said, "Captain, are you going to investigate the case? I'll go with you."

Fang Ze turned around and said, "No, just visit a few people and come back right away."

"You stay in the bureau."

Seeing that Fang Ze was going out to handle the case alone, Wu Fei didn't insist, nodded and said, "Okay then."

Pushing open the door of the forensic department, Fang Ze stood in the corridor, frowning slightly.

From the moment he read the dossier and the autopsy report, he already knew what kind of person the murderer was.

This is a very simple case. The murderer's modus operandi and process seem to be thorough, but in fact they are full of loopholes.

The mental portrait was formed in Fang Ze's mind in a few seconds.

All that's left is to investigate and arrest people.

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