Any possible, impossible clues, one can not let go.

For a time, all parties moved.

The giant net shrouded the entire Yangcheng Experimental Middle School.

When everyone is nervously investigating the case.

Fang Ze, watching TV at home.

He was half lying on the sofa, eating snacks, and bored watching variety shows on TV.

He didn't seem to care about the case or anything.

After a while, the phone rang.

It was Qin Yun who called.


Qin Yun: "where are you"

Fang Ze: "At home."

Qin Yun: "what are you doing at home"

Fang Ze: "Watch TV."

Qin Yun: ""

"Fang Ze, your heart is so real."

"Wu Fei and the others can't wait to surround the experimental middle school."

Fang Ze: "Ah Wu Fei went to check the school again"

Qin Yun: "Yeah, he said that he would check all relevant personnel in the school, from teachers to students, even the guards at the door."

Fang Ze was silent for a while.

This kid, his brain is finally alive.

Although the method is simple and crude, it is the most effective.

It seems that it has not been taught in vain before.

Follow this direction and you will get it in less than three days.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

As a result, the murderer was locked and finally arrested.

Seeing that Fang Ze didn't speak, Qin Yun said, "Hey Fang Ze, can you hear me?"

Fang Ze: "Yes, you can continue."

Qin Yun: "Is it okay for him to check like this? That's a key school in Yangcheng."

"It's fine with the Education Bureau. If the parents of the students are disturbed, what should they do?"

Fang Ze: "Wu Fei can only do this. The case has reached a bottleneck. He must forcibly open the breach."

"School is the best direction."

"Compared with the case, it's nothing to delay the students a little time."

Hearing that Fang Ze agreed with Wu Fei's approach, Qin Yun pondered for a while and said, "What about the parents of the students?"

Fang Ze: "Wu Fei naturally has a way to deal with those who obstruct official duties."

Qin Yun: "I still feel unreliable."

"Didn't you say you can catch the murderer today? Why let Wu Feixing move the public?"

"Why don't you let him join you?"

Fang Ze: "I'm at home, what can I do?"

Qin Yun was a little angry: "Fang Ze, what the hell are you doing? You're still investigating the case separately."

"You were never like this before."

Fang Ze was helpless: "I'm still investigating, I'll have the result soon."

"I'm a reasoning player, I don't have to run around."

Qin Yun: ""

She was very speechless.

"Then tell me where you're going to arrest someone this afternoon. It's alright."

Fang Ze pondered for a while and said, "Xingda Community, or the police station near Xingda Community."

Qin Yun: "The murderer is nearby"

Fang Ze: "Maybe"

Hearing that Fang Ze started chatting with mud again, Qin Yun sighed and said, "Okay, I see."

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