"Just don't tell me the murderer ran away."

After the two chatted for a while, the phone hung up.

Fang Ze put down his phone and continued watching TV.

During the period, Luo Bixin also sent WeChat inquiries, but Fang Ze's reply was: under investigation.

No one knows that all the events of the case have already been reasoned out by Fang Ze.

And the murderer has been identified

2pm: [-]:.

Fang Ze checked the time and turned off the TV.

After getting dressed, he left the house

At 4:[-] in the afternoon, Xingda Community.

Fang Ze was already nearby, standing there for over an hour.

4:[-] PM: [-]:.

In the distance, a young man walked slowly, carrying a plastic bag in his hand, as if he had just finished shopping in the supermarket.

It was Wang Junyu, Fang Ze, who turned his head to look, took a puff of cigarette, and threw it on the ground to stamp it out.

The distance between the two is getting closer.

Wang Junyu quickly saw Fang Ze with his back against the wall.

As soon as his footsteps stopped, his expression changed.

After hesitating for a while, he bit his head and walked up.

When passing by Fang Ze, he didn't say hello and pretended not to know him.

Fang Ze's voice sounded: "Wang Junyu."

Wang Junyu took a step.

"Come with me to the city bureau for a cup of tea."

The atmosphere seemed to freeze.

Two seconds later, Wang Junyu threw away the things in his hand, and Sa Yazi ran away.

Fang Ze turned his head to look at Wang Junyu's fleeing back, sighed deeply, and did not chase after him immediately.

"The age of crime is getting younger and younger"

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Chapter 355 What? Decades?! 【3】

5:[-]:[-] PM.

Fang Ze held a cigarette and walked slowly down the streets of Yangcheng.

A few miles ahead is where the police station is located.

In addition to being extremely panicked, Fang Ze could imagine where he would go, that is, to seek refuge with his parents as soon as possible.

Who is Wang Junyu's father Wang Kangmu, deputy director of the police station.

Fang Ze has already checked very clearly.

One of the reasons for letting Wang Junyu leave just now was for this Wang Kangmu.

In order to save his son, Wang Kangmu will definitely do his best to carry out public relations.

It's better to solve the problem once and for all instead of having trouble when it comes.

Another point is that Fang Ze wants to make Wang Junyu despair.

It's good to be young and energetic, but Fang Ze didn't want to see that ugly face at all.

Finally, there's the matter of shadows.

If he was not mistaken, the other party should have found it.

on the street.

Fang Ze walked very slowly.

He wasn't in a hurry at all.

[-]:[-] pm::.

Fang Ze stood at the door of the police station.

Looking at the sign on the door, Fang Ze stepped in.

The guard didn't take care of Fang Ze.

Units that serve the people are open to the people.

A policeman came towards him, as if he was going out on a mission.

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