Fang Ze reached out and grabbed him.

The policeman turned his head subconsciously and said, "Something is wrong.



His face changed slightly.

As a member of the Yangcheng system, of course he knew Fang Ze.

Fang Ze said softly, "Where's Wang Junyu?"

The police hurriedly said, "It's in the Miao Institute's office."

"Go and bring him here."

"Yes Yes"

The policeman nodded again and again, turned around and trotted all the way into the hall.

Fang Ze stood there, took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath.

After exhaling a puff of smoke, he waited quietly.

Soon, a man walked out with Wang Junyu.

Behind him, there were also many policemen who did not know what happened.

"Captain Fang!"

Wang Kangmu came to Fang Ze and politely extended his hand.

Fang Ze didn't move and took a puff of cigarette.

Wang Kangmu withdrew his right hand in embarrassment and said, "Fang team, Junyu he"

Fang Ze said: "Wang Junyu is suspected of a criminal case, I need to take him back to the city bureau."

"The king should understand."

"Criminal case"

Wang Kangmu's expression changed, and he said, "Fang team, did you make a mistake?"

"Junyu is only fifteen years old, why does the criminal case have anything to do with it?"

Fang Ze said: "It doesn't matter, I went to the city bureau to find out "this"

Wang Kangmu frowned tightly.

Wang Junyu was so young, if he really got into the bureau and was afraid, wouldn't he ask something and say something.

"Fang team, can we discuss it?"

"You see it's your own, why bother"

Fang Ze threw away the cigarette and said, "No discussion."

"Wang Junyu, come with me."

At this moment, Wang Junyu is hiding behind Wang Kangmu, his face has become: very pale.

Obviously, he was terrified.

Or, being a thief with a guilty conscience.

Seeing that Fang Ze didn't let go, Wang Kangmu gritted his teeth and said, "Fang team, do you have an arrest warrant?"

Fang Ze: "No."

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

Wang Kangmu said: "According to the regulations, if you don't have an arrest warrant"

"according to rules."

Fang Ze interrupted Wang Kangmu's words and said, "Under special circumstances, coercive measures can be taken against the criminal suspect and then apply for documents."

Wang Kangmu's expression changed, and he said, "Special"

Fang Ze interrupted again: "Now is a special situation."

"If you are not satisfied, you can file a complaint with the provincial department."

"Look at Liang Ting, how will he answer you."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Kangmu's face turned pale.

Everyone knows the relationship between Liang Yongzhou and Fang Ze.

If he hadn't appreciated Fang Ze so much, how could he have been transferred from the city bureau to the provincial bureau so quickly, and he directly gave him the position of the chief criminal police chief.

To complain to Liang Yongzhou, Wang Kangmu might as well buy a piece of tofu and kill him.


"help me!!"

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