After a while, the lights flashed and the sirens shrilled

Ten ten.

Abandoned warehouse.

The young man came out of the window and dropped the bloody glove in his hand.

He looked back and saw Han Yang's body lying in the open space.

The lights were dim, so I couldn't see the situation clearly, but I could see the liquid all over the floor.

You don't have to think about it, it's blood.

The young man came to the front of the car, started the car, and sped away.

Ten seconds later, another car also passed by.

If you look closely, you can see that it is Fang Ze's car.

In the cab, Fang Ze's face was calm, silently looking at the taillights of the car in the distance.

"Give me multiple choice questions again."


"Still not caught"

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 358 Gunshots [3]

Eleven o'clock at night.

A narrow road in Yangcheng.

Ten kilometers ahead, almost no man's land.

On the right is a wheat field.

On the left is the jungle.

There are very few vehicles on the road, and occasionally one can be seen.

Shadow held the steering wheel in his hands and glanced at the rearview mirror.

The other party has been following him for about half an hour since he found the car behind.

Possibly longer.

"Most likely, it's the surname Fang."

Shadow muttered to himself, stepping up the accelerator again.

The speed has soared to eighty miles.

Although it is not particularly fast, it is still quite dangerous on this country road.

Fortunately, it was late at night, and there were almost no vehicles and pedestrians.

"When did you find me"


Shadow's thoughts turned sharply, and his eyes immediately froze.

He is not stupid, on the contrary, he is extremely smart.

Otherwise, it would not have been under the eyes of the police for so many years, leaving safely again and again.

In the process of investigating the rape and murder, he had actually noticed something was wrong.

That kind of... Something's not right, it's hazy, blurry, like an illusion.

He didn't delve into it and focused his energy on investigating the case.

In the face of an opponent like Fang Ze, he must be very energetic and have no spare energy to think about superfluous things.

But precisely because of this illusion of being ignored, he was targeted by Fang Ze.

"This guy"

"It's kind of scary"

Shadow took a deep breath, all possible escapes flashing through his mind.

But there were two things he didn't know.

First: Fang Ze's driving skills.

Second: Fang Ze's skills.

Fang Ze's understanding is all in criminal investigation and solving cases.

Among other additional abilities, Shadow is now a black eye.

The unknown is the biggest crisis.

But right now he has no choice but to drive while looking for a way to escape.

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