the other side.

Fang Ze drove the car quietly, his expression indifferent.

Since he was found, there is no way to run.

What he is thinking now is to catch it.

Because he has absolute confidence, he will definitely be caught or killed.

He was thinking of something else.

Eleven twenty.

A few kilometers ahead, we will reach the city.

At this time, only Fang Ze and Shadow were left in the vehicles passing by.

Buzz! At this moment, the roar of the engine sounded, and Fang Ze's car quickly caught up with the shadow.

The two cars were driving side by side, Fang Ze turned his head slightly and slammed the steering wheel.

Shadow's eyes narrowed, and he quickly stepped on the brakes.

Almost at the same time, Fang Ze's car also slowed down.

He fully anticipated all of Shadow's movements.

"I seem to have made a mistake"

This sentence floated in Shadow's mind.

Bang! Two cars collided.

Fang Ze, forced the shadows to stop.

Due to inertia, the vehicle collided to the left before it stopped, and the door opened.

The shadow rolled and jumped down, and rushed into the jungle without any hesitation.

Empty areas are courting death.

Only in the jungle full of blind spots can we strive for a first-line opportunity.

Almost at the same time, Fang Ze chased after him.

In the jungle at night, rustling sounded.

The two chased and fled, and quickly ran for thousands of meters.

Regardless of

Whether it was Shadow Shadow or Fang Ze, they were both people with extremely strong physique.

Perhaps it was God's unfavorable, shadow, and finally came to the blank area in the middle of the jungle.

Ahead is a river.

If you go further, it's another jungle.

He was just about to go into the water.

Bang! Gunshots rang out.

Shadow's movement stopped abruptly.

He was not injured.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

That bullet, Fang Ze fired into the sky.

Fang Ze walked slowly and stood still ten meters away from the shadow.

The shadow turned his back to Fang Ze and stood there silently.

The breeze blows and everything is silent.

After taking a deep breath, Shadow slowly turned around.

Fang Ze's muzzle pointed at the shadow.

At this distance, with Fang Ze's accuracy, he can instantly penetrate Shadow's forehead.

After a while, Shadow's low voice sounded: "Hello, Captain Fang."

Fang Ze said in a low voice, "Hello, Shadow."

Shadow: "Why are you alone"

Fang Ze: "Do you think it's not enough?"

Shadow Silence.

The atmosphere became quiet again.

After a long time, the shadow said: "Did I get tricked by you?"

Fang Ze said, "It depends on how you understand it."

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