Cheng Changlin introduced with a smile: "Captain Fang, this is Mr. Jiang Yarou Jiang, the dormitory manager, she will take you to the staff dormitory."

"It's all arranged."

"If you're not used to it, let me know at any time."

Fang Ze got up, smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Teacher Jiang, I'm Fang Ze."

With a smile on her face, Jiang Yarou reached out and shook hands with Fang Ze.

Looking at each other's eyes, there is a strong curiosity.

She often heard others mention this person, no matter what

Either a teacher or a student.

in police circles.

These two names, Fang Ze, are very well-known.

Especially after the Yang Da corpse case was solved.

It's live broadcast nationwide, it's hard not to know.

The first time we met today, she found that Fang Ze seemed to be much younger than she thought.

Cheng Changlin looked at the two and said, "Captain Fang, why don't you go to the dormitory to put things first."

"If you are free today, go see the dean of the School of Criminology."

"The detailed arrangement is mainly in charge of him."

"It's called Ying Guoxing."

Fang Ze nodded, pulled up the suitcase, and said, "Okay."

"Principal Cheng, see you soon."

"See you."

After leaving the principal's office, Fang Ze and Li Ruisi walked towards the staff dormitory under the leadership of Jiang Yarou.

On the way, Li Ruisi whispered, "Lao Fang, why do you live in a school? The environment must be bad."

"Let me make arrangements for you and make sure it's all right."

Fang Ze also lowered his voice and whispered, "Let's see."

He is not a hypocritical person, and naturally he will not be stupid enough to live in a house with poor environment.

Why don't you make yourself miserable.

Not without money.

"it is good."

Li Ruisi nodded and smiled.

Jiang Yarou listened to the whispers of the two behind her, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Although I heard it roughly, I can guess what it is.

I didn't expect this... young Fang Brigade to focus on the quality of life.

The three of them walked slowly.

Jiang Yarou didn't seem to like talking very much, so she didn't take the initiative to speak.

Fang Ze and Li Ruisi, naturally, will not be idle and have nothing to post.

Surrounded by students coming and going.

It should be class time now, and there are not many people.

They didn't notice Fang Ze.

People who only exist in photos and videos are not so easy to recognize if they are not deliberately discovered.

Everyone has their own college life, who will stare at a person for a long time.

There are, however, small-probability events.

Not far away, a young man came towards him. After seeing Fang Ze from a distance, his eyes widened.

He seemed to suspect that he was wrong, and rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


"Fang Fangze"

"How did he get here"

"Drawing from the front line"

"I rely on big news"

Thinking of this, he quickly took out his mobile phone and quietly took a photo.

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