Fang Ze had already seen his abnormality, and turned his head to look at him.

"cough cough"

The young man quickly put away his mobile phone, and the two passed by.

"I'm on fire."

The young man turned his head to look at Fang Ze's back, and opened the school forum without hesitation.

That is the most active forum of Central South Public Security University, no one.

All students, will exchange anecdotes on campus here

ten minutes later.

Jiang Yarou brought Fang Ze to his room.

"Mr. Fang, it's here, single dormitory, everything is free."

"If you have any questions, call me anytime."

"I have something to do, so I'll go first."

Jiang Yarou came and went in a hurry, leaving only a phone number.

Li Ruisi glanced at Jiang Yarou, who was leaving, and said, "Lao Fang, your unit is good, are you free of utility bills?"

Fang Ze opened the door with the key and said, "Nonsense, the school should pay me back the money."

Li Ruisi: "Go to Cheng Changlin and ask for it."

The two were joking.

Looking at the facilities in the room, Fang Ze was surprised and said, "Not bad."

One room, one living room, one bathroom and one kitchen.

It's not big, but it has everything.

Also cleaned very clean.

The dormitory's ability to achieve this level has exceeded Fang Ze's expectations.


Li Ruisi looked at the environment and said, "Where is it?"

"Don't stay here, I said I'll make arrangements for you."

Fang Ze put down his suitcase and said, "Let's talk about staying for a few days."

Li Ruisi grinned, but did not speak.

"I'm going to Ying Guoxing, are you going back?"

Fang Ze didn't clean up immediately, and turned to look at Li Ruisi.

Li Ruisi said quickly, "I'm not going back."

"I have nothing to do, and you have nothing to do, just walk around and talk about it."

Fang Ze said indifferently, "Alright then, let's go."

After that, the two left the dormitory.

The School of Criminology is located in the northwest corner of the school, far from the school gate.

But it is very close to the staff dormitory.

After walking for a few minutes, Fang Ze and the two came here.

After searching for a while, the two stood in front of the dean's office.

After knocking on the door.

"Please come in."

Fang Ze pushed open the door and entered.

Ying Guoxing seemed to have received a notice. After seeing Fang Ze, he quickly got up with a smile on his face.

"Hello, please come in."

There is also a male student in the office, I don't know whether to hand in materials or report work.

University is a small society.

Many students choose suitable student positions to train themselves.

The Student Union is the most representative group.

Ying Guoxing turned to look at the student and said, "Fang Mu, go back first, I have guests here."

"Good dean."

The young man nodded, glanced at Fang Ze casually, and was immediately stunned.


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