He seemed to recognize Fang Ze, but he didn't stop, he still opened the door and walked out.

Fang Ze paused and turned his head slowly.

"square wood"

"Which square wood"

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Chapter 367 New Elective Course [3]

"Which square wood"

Looking at the direction the other party was leaving, Fang Ze spoke subconsciously.

After hearing Fang Ze's words, Ying Guoxing said strangely, "Captain Fang, what did you say?"

Fang Ze turned his head and said, "Who was just now?"

Hearing this, Ying Guoxing explained with a smile: "You said him, Fang Mu."

"One of the best students in our department, a genius in criminal psychology."

"Once, I helped the police handle a case."


Fang Ze raised his brows and said, "Does he have a very high talent for criminal psychology?"

Ying Guoxing was surprised: "How do you know?"


Fang Ze smiled slightly, changed the subject and said, "You are Dean Ying, hello, hello, I'm Fang Ze."

Saying that, Fang Ze stretched out his hand.

The two shook hands politely, Ying Guoxing smiled and said, "Sit down, Captain Fang, don't stand."

"it is good."

"By the way, this is my friend."

Fang Ze introduced a sentence, but did not say much.



The two nodded as a greeting.

Ying Guoxing took a document and handed it to Fang Ze, and said, "Captain Fang, I have already arranged the course, can you see it?"

"If it doesn't fit, it can be reconciled."

Fang Ze took it and turned it over slightly.

It's quite relaxing, only three or four festivals a week.

But it's a big class.

How many students there will be depends on the teacher's personal charm.

It's an elective course after all.

Li Ruisi whispered from the side: "Old Fang, if there are only one or two students, will it be embarrassing?"

Fang Ze glared at Li Ruisi and said, "Can you hope I order it?"

Ying Guoxing smiled and said, "No, Captain Fang's name is still very well-known in this university."

"If the students knew you were taking the class in person, they would rush to sign up."

Fang Ze had an indifferent attitude towards this matter.

He wished there were fewer students.

Can be much easier.

Thinking of a question, Fang Ze opened his mouth and said, "President Ying, the criminal psychology of this hospital is a compulsory course, so I don't need to take it."

Ying Guoxing said: "No, no, we have special teachers."

"I won't bother you unless necessary."


Fang Ze nodded.

Just as Fang Ze and Ying Guoxing were discussing work matters, the popularity of a post on the school forum continued to soar.

Major news: Fang Ze, Chief of Criminal Police of Suhai Provincial Department, and the third-level police superintendent, came to teach in our school! This is the title of the post.

The content is very simple, mainly a photo.

Although it is just a campus photo to illustrate many issues.

At least at this moment, Fang Ze is in the university.

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