The signature is the fire wind.

This is still relatively well-known on the forum, and the news is very wide.

Almost every time something big happens, this person is posting.

Therefore, the credibility is still relatively high in the minds of many students.

In just a few minutes, the number of responses has exceeded [-].

"Captain Fang came to Central South Public Security University, is it true?"

"Idols are coming Idols are coming!"

"Is the male god coming to teach a class? I'm going to listen! Ask for the timetable!"

For a time, the originally quiet forum suddenly became lively.

On the other side, Fang Mu, who was busy with his work, went back to the dormitory alone.

As soon as I entered the door, a voice sounded.

"Fang Mu, have you read the forum?"

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Fang Mu closed the door and said, "What's wrong?"

"Su Hai's Fang Ze has come to our university. It's a post from Huofeng, I don't know if it's true or not."

Fang Mu said: "It's true, I saw it just now."


"what did you say"

Hearing this, several roommates who were sitting in front of the computer quickly gathered around.

"where did you meet"

Fang Mudao: "Our dean's office should discuss the course arrangement."

"Really come to teach"

"My God, the criminal investigation genius has come to teach at our school"

"He's less than [-] years old, the provincial police chief, I wish he was half as good."

"Fang Mu, will you go to the class?"

Fang Mu walked to the computer and said, "Of course I will."

"Didn't we study all those cases?"

"I can't do it anyway."

"Captain Fang has high attainments in criminal psychology, and his thinking is extremely meticulous and super innovative."

"Can I not go to his class?"

The roommate said, "How dare you compete with Captain Fang, you are amazing."

Fang Mu turned on the computer and said, "How can there be, just to give an example."

"Take the father-killing case as an example, Captain Fang was able to locate the murderer in just [-] minutes."

"That's just one problem."

"At that time, he quickly drew a portrait of the criminal suspect in his mind with a very high accuracy rate."

"It just so happens that the criminal is at the scene,,."

The roommate next to him said, "I think you can worship him as a teacher, and you will be even more powerful then."

"Besides, both of you are surnamed Fang, isn't that fate?"

It is no secret that Fang Mu helped the police solve the case.

Not only the roommates, but also the school knew about it.

Therefore, Fang Mu is considered a legend in Central South Public Security University.

"It's not ancient, what kind of teacher do you worship?"

The roommate said, "Hey, I think Captain Fang is violent."

Fang Mu was surprised: "Why do you say that?"

The roommate said: "In the case of murdering a father, didn't he kick the murderer away?"

"Although the specific case is not written, I guess the injury is not minor."

"There is a suspicion of excessive law enforcement."

Fang Mu shook his head helplessly: "boring."

He has never been interested in violence in this regard.

Because he is very, very bad.

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