
Fang Ze stuck his head out, speaking inarticulately.

"Old Fang, me!"


Fang Ze was puzzled, came over while brushing his teeth, and opened the door.

"Why are you here again?"

After glancing at Li Ruisi, Fang Ze turned around and returned to the sink.

Li Ruisi smiled and followed.

"Don't you have a class today? I'm going to sit in."

Fang Ze rinsed his mouth and said, "You remember it quite clearly, I only remembered it this morning."


Li Ruisi sat on the chair and said, "You are very unqualified as a teacher."

"When the students arrive, they find that the teacher is absent from class."

"You're going to be in the headlines."

"A lifetime of fame, ruined in one lesson."

Fang Ze wiped his face, turned around and said, "You never expect me to order."

"Ha ha."

Li Ruisi grinned.

Fang Ze asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Li Ruisi said, "Nonsense, it's already past ten o'clock."

Fang Ze returned to the bed and said, "I'll let you experience the cafeteria of Public Security University while I'm eating in a while."

Li Ruisi was helpless: "I've come all the way, just take me to the cafeteria."

Fang Ze: "Free lunch, don't eat it for nothing."

He was seconded here, and the university is for living and three meals a day.

But only in the staff canteen.

If you go out, you may not be reimbursed.

It's not about money, it's about convenience.

Just a few steps away.

"OK then."

Li Ruisi doesn't care.

Fang Ze came to Zhongnan very rarely, and he still lived there, not for the case.

There are not many such opportunities.

Maybe one day Fang Ze felt tired and returned to Yangcheng.

The two were always there: when the ink in the dormitory reached a point, they left together.

It was noon and there were not many students on campus.

The meal time has passed, and most of them are resting or entertaining in the dormitory.

On the way, Li Ruisi looked at the empty campus,

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Strangely: "Why is it different from what I imagined?"

Fang Ze said: "What's the difference?"

Li Ruisi said: "This is the police academy, and you are a well-known figure in the police."

"Shouldn't there be fans as soon as it came out?"

Hearing this, Fang Ze turned his head speechlessly and said, "You think you think too much about chasing stars."

While chatting, the two came to the staff cafeteria.

After simply ordering a few dishes, Fang Ze and Li Ruisi found a comfortable place and sat down to eat.

In the entire cafeteria, only the two of them were eating.

This is the staff cafeteria, and according to regulations, students are not allowed to come in to eat.

However, the management is not wide, and it is not a dead rule.

Just a little more expensive.

Usually students don't come here to eat.

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