After all, you will often meet teachers.

"Are you going back after dinner?"

While eating, Li Ruisi asked.

Fang Ze said: "If you don't go back, go directly to the classroom, there is still about half an hour."


Li Ruisi nodded and said, "Then let's hurry over after eating, I want to sit in the first row."

"By the way, it's full of people."

Fang Ze: "It's full."

Li Ruisi was not surprised, he guessed it was like this.

"Teacher Fang"

At this moment, a beautiful female voice came.

The two turned their heads subconsciously.

Standing in front of the dining table was a very innocent girl with long hair in a shawl.

She held a few books in her arms and looked at Fang Ze with a face of surprise.

Li Ruisi looked at the two with a smile in his eyes.

I mean, there are definitely fans.


Fang Ze put down his chopsticks and smiled.

"Hello Mr. Fang, I'm passing by to buy something to drink"

"Are you going to class?"

Fang Ze nodded: "Yes, go over after dinner."

The girl smiled and said, "It's such a coincidence, I'm just about to go there."

Hearing this, Fang Ze said in surprise: "Aren't you a student of the Criminology College? Why do you still choose this?"

Strange indeed.

It's like a math major who takes another math course.

The girl was surprised: "How do you know that I am from the Criminology College"

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Aren't you holding the book?"


The girl glanced at the book in her arms and quickly reacted.

"Mr. Fang, you are amazing!"

She likes criminal reasoning, so people like Fang Ze have always admired very much.

Fang Ze smiled and said nothing.

"Then I won't disturb your meal. The classmates have already occupied the seat. I have to hurry over there."

Fang Ze nodded: "Okay, slow down on the road."

"Goodbye Mr. Fang."

The girl waved at Fang Ze, then trotted away.

Li Ruisi watched the girl disappear and whispered: "Look, I said there are fans"

Fang Ze continued to eat without raising his head and said, "If this is the case, then every teacher has thousands of fans."

"What's your logic"

Li Ruisi put down his chopsticks and said, "I'm done eating, hurry up."

"What's the hurry"

Li Ruisi said, "Didn't you listen to the girl just now? You need to occupy a seat."

"You let me sit in the last row"

Fang Ze said: "There are more than [-] seats in that classroom, and the number of seats is only [-]. What are you worried about?"


Li Rui thought for a while, then nodded and said, "That's true."

Twenty minutes later, the two stood at the door of the classroom.

Li Ruisi looked at the crowd in Wuyang Wuyang, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Fang Ze, I finally know why there is no one on campus."

"Where am I sitting!"

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