"Just at this moment, he caught two traffickers."

"You may think it's very simple, it's just someone in the car struggling or calling for help, right?"

Everyone nodded subconsciously.

Fang Ze smiled and said, "No, the rear window is closed."

"From my friend's point of view, only the main driver can be seen."

"In a few seconds, he analyzed the driver's demeanor and behavior, and noticed something was wrong."

"That's why the car was forced to stop for further investigation."

The students are thoughtful.

Fang Ze continued: "Of course, this is because of experience and practice."

"But everything must be based on theory."

"If you want to be a police officer with keen insight, you must have a set in your mind: a complete system of criminal psychology."

"You may not notice the effect at first, but when you come across a case, you will find it is a very valuable asset."

Fang Ze glanced at Fang Mu who was in front of him, and his voice continued.

"in spite of

Are you a genius or a mediocre."

"Criminal psychology is a field that you must dabble in."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 370 The first class, a real case (3) [[-]]

Inside the classroom.

time, an hour has passed.

The course went well.

When students occasionally asked questions, Fang Ze answered them one by one.

It's just that these questions are all students from the School of Criminology.

People from other departments seem to have a feeling of watching the excitement.

Fang Ze also knew that it was impossible for so many people to come to the class.

There are only one hundred and two places.

But more than twice as many people came.

Maybe, just to see what the front-line detectives look like.

In other words, I want to listen to the front-line criminal police and analyze real cases.

On the other hand, Li Ruisi had to sneak away several times.

I originally wanted to leave with the other students in the middle, but after so long, I haven't taken the initiative to leave the classroom.

This made Li Ruisi a little crazy.

"Students, are you dizzy?"

Fang Ze turned off the basic courseware, placed the mouse on a new one, and raised his head to ask.

As soon as these words came out, Fang Mu, who was sitting in the front row, had a slightly condensed expression and sat up straight.

All the other students looked excited immediately.


"No bleeding."

Everyone quickly denied it.

Fang Ze said: "I'll check again, is there any... fainted blood?"

"There will be a lot of blood in the next courseware."

Several of the girls hesitated, but ultimately did not speak.

Fang Ze waited for a while and said, "That's good."

After speaking, he opened it.

The first photo that caught my eye made all my classmates take a deep breath.

Even Fang Mu's expression changed.

A woman was lying in the car, covered in blood.

There were wounds on the head and face.

In the car, there were also traces of blood splattering, which looked shocking! The entire classroom was silent.

Li Ruisi, who was standing not far away, also narrowed his eyes.

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