Such a tragic scene is really rare.

Fang Ze stood up straight and said, "If you feel unwell with blood and corpses, leave the classroom immediately."

"This is a real case today: Road Murder."

"I am solely responsible for and solve the case."

No one speaks.

Fang Ze said: "This is just a photo."

"If you become a police officer in the future, it is very likely that you will see the real scene,."

"If this is unacceptable, I don't recommend you take the road of the police."

"No one left?"

Fang Ze waited for a while.

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded, turned around and said, "This.

Beauty interprets the discipline of criminal psychology."

"The detection of this case, more than [-]%, uses the knowledge of criminal psychology."

"Let's connect theory with practice, listen carefully."

All the students kept their eyes open and listened carefully.

There are some psychological, poor tolerance, the face has surfaced pale.

What's more, the idea of ​​being a police officer began to waver.

Fang Ze knew this, but what should be presented must be presented to the students of the police academy.

Career planning is very important.

If it is really not suitable for this path, it is better to give up as soon as possible.

"I'll talk about the case first."

Fang Ze spoke while presenting the photos and related personnel.

"About six months ago, the Yangcheng Traffic Police Brigade received a report from a man."

"The man's name is Wang Zhiqiang.

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"According to him, when he and his wife were driving home to visit relatives, they quarreled over trivial matters, which eventually turned into a big fight."

"And it is still in the process of high-speed driving of the vehicle, and it is a big fight."

"As a consequence, the vehicle lost control and hit the barrier."

"One death, one injury."

After speaking, Fang Ze opened all the photos.

Including the appearance of the body, the scene, the traces, etc.

He didn't go on talking, giving the students time to digest.

All the students looked at the courseware and frowned.

At the same time, it feels very exciting.

There is a kind of: scene, the illusion of solving a case.

Ten minutes later, Fang Ze glanced at his phone and said, "Everyone take a break."

"Three o'clock: forty, on time for class."

After speaking, he turned and left the classroom.

Li Ruisi quickly chased after him as if he had been granted amnesty.

Outside the teaching building, Fang Ze lit a cigarette.

"Old Fang!"

Li Ruisi ran over and said, "As soon as you come up, make more moves."

"Those are all students, what should I do if I'm scared?"

Fang Ze slowly exhaled a breath of smoke and said, "You know, this is the police academy."

"I don't even dare to watch the cases presented by the computer, so what kind of police are you doing?"

Li Ruisi said: "Whoever said that a police academy graduate must be a front-line police officer."

"It may also be a clerk."

Fang Ze said with a smile: "Civilian, you don't need to learn criminal psychology."

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