
Li Ruisi scratched his head and said, "You bastard."

"Wait, after this class, many students will definitely have a psychological shadow on you."

Fang Ze said: "Not really."

On the other side, the classroom has already exploded.

"My mother, you scared me to death! This, this, this woman died so miserably!"

"A high-speed car accident, can it be miserable?"

"Car accident! You didn't hear Mr. Fang say it was murder? Listen clearly, no murder!"

"Murder then give me an analysis, who is the murderer"

"Nonsense, can't you see it so clearly, it's the driver, idiot."

Wave after wave of discussion.

At this time, many students who knew Fang Mu gathered around.

"Fang Mu, can you solve this case?"

Everyone knows Fang Mu's abilities.

He is a genius who helped the city police solve a case.

So everyone wanted to ask Fang Mu's thoughts for the first time.

Fang Mu's eyes stayed on the screen, his brows furrowed.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "I can't say that the case has been solved."

"Mr. Fang has already said that this is a murder case."

"We are preconceived and will definitely guess that the person calling the police is the murderer."

"Because of the scene, there is only this Wang Zhiqiang."

"Just imagine, if we didn't know it was a murder, would we still rely on this?"

"Major traffic accidents are actually not uncommon."

Everyone nodded.

Someone next to him asked: "Then can you see any doubts?"

"These are supposed to be the scene, all the pictures."

"Mr. Fang left these photos, probably because he wants us to think about it first, and use the knowledge of criminal psychology."

Fang Mu pondered for a while, then said: "Actually, there are many doubts, Teacher Fang probably picked a relatively simple case."

"Since Teacher Fang said that he should use the psychology of serious crime to analyze, then he must first analyze Wang Zhiqiang's psychological state."

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Chapter 371 The first class, the analysis of doubts (1) [[-]]

Inside the classroom.

The crowd gathered around Fang Mu, quietly listening to his preliminary analysis of the case.

Fang Mu said, "When we stand from God's perspective, the first thing should be to find doubts and rule out accidents."

"Of course, what I'm talking about is only a possibility, without any evidence to support it."

"First, a husband, what was his first reaction when he found out that his wife was seriously injured?"

Someone next to him replied: "Of course it's the police."

Someone retorted: "No, you should call 120."

"That's right."

Fang Mu nodded, glanced at the man, and said, "The first reaction should be to save people, not to call the traffic police brigade."

"But everyone has their own subconscious, so it's not a problem to call the traffic police brigade."

"After all, it's a normal process to find the traffic police in an accident. We can't say that Wang Zhiqiang has a problem."

"It can only be regarded as a doubt."

The crowd nodded.

Fang Mu continued: "The second thing, why is Wang Zhiqiang slightly injured?"

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu raised his finger to the big screen and said, "The photo shows that because of the protection of the airbag, Wang Zhiqiang was only slightly hit, and there is no serious problem."

"And his wife wasn't wearing a seat belt because she was in the back seat."

"Airbag protection from the side, very limited."

"The violent impact resulted in death, and there is no problem on the surface."

"But there is one point, it's still the problem just now."

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