Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 376 Rush to Zhongnan Municipal Bureau [1]

"Who is the deceased"

In the dormitory, Fang Ze continued to ask questions.

This is something that must be known.

Tai Wei said: "The two deceased are girls, one is seventeen and the other is nineteen."

Hearing this, Fang Ze pondered.

All are girls.

And they were all very young girls.

It can be said to be the most pure and beautiful age in life.

Although it was a random murder, does the murderer have a fixed group of committing crimes? Tai Wei did not disturb Fang Ze's thinking.

After a while, Fang Ze said, "Are the fingerprints compatible?"

Tai Wei replied, "There are no fingerprints, but there are suspicious ones."

"After the database comparison, no matching person was found."

"This guy should have no previous convictions."

"Or have a criminal record, but haven't been caught."

Speaking of this, Tai Wei said: "Fang team, the murderer is likely to continue to commit the crime, or we will go directly to the bureau"

"The body and the scene, the investigation report, are all there."

Tai Wei was still in a hurry, otherwise he would not have come to the Public Security University to find Fang Mu.

Fang Mu has a high talent in criminal psychology, and has also helped the city bureau before.

Maybe it can give some investigative clues and even an accurate profile of the murderer.

But since Fang Ze was in Zhongnan, it would be the best if he could get his help.

Fang Ze's resume is there, which is very eye-catching.

All cases handled by him were successfully solved in a short period of time.

Regardless of

Thinking or experience, Fang Ze is much stronger than Fang Mu.

After all, one is the police chief of the provincial department, the other is a college student, and the latter is still growing.

Hearing Tai Wei's words, Fang Ze glanced at the lesson preparation record, pondered a little, and said, "Okay."

"Team Tai wait for a while, and I'll inform the students."

"it is good."

Tai Wei nodded, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

If Fang Ze joins in, the detection of the case can be said to be half successful.

Preventing new deceased from appearing is the top priority now.

Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and opened the WeChat group, and sent a message: Classes are suspended today, I need to investigate a case, and then resume the class after the case is solved.

Delays in classes are certain.

But Fang Ze can still figure out which is more important, class or case.

"Let's go."

Fang Ze got up.

"it is good."

At this time, all the students in the WeChat group saw the message sent by Fang Ze.

"Teacher Fang has gone to investigate the case, is it Huiyang City?"

"Not necessarily, it may be the case of Zhongnan, Mr. Fang is so famous in the industry, it is normal for others to ask him for help."

"Hey, if only I could go with Teacher Fang."

"Dream it, you have nothing to do with the police handling the case. Let's talk about it when you become a police officer."

in a dormitory.

Fang Mu, who saw the information in the group, thought for a while, then stood up.

"what are you doing"

the roommate asked.

Fang Mu picked up his coat from the bed and said, "Walk around for a while."

Roommate: "Mr. Fang has gone to investigate the case, there is no class this afternoon, do you want it?"

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