"talk later."

Fang Mu didn't finish listening, he opened the door and left the dormitory.

"He won't go to Teacher Fang, will he?"

In the dormitory, someone spoke.

"No way."

"There is a case where Teacher Fang is involved, what can he do to help?"

Ten minutes later, at the entrance of Central South Public Security University.

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Fang Ze and Tai Wei got into a black SUV.

After putting on the seat belt, Tai Wei took out a cigarette and handed one to Fang Ze.

Fang Ze took it easily.

After lighting Fang Ze's cigarette, Tai Wei said: "Fang team, go to the city bureau or go to the scene,"

Fang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said, "Go to the city bureau and look at the corpse and the report."


Tai Wei nodded and started the car.

"Mr. Fang!"

At this moment, with a shout, Fang Mu ran over from the school gate.

Fang Ze and Tai Wei both turned to look.

"square wood"

"square wood"

Both are a little weird.

How did this guy come.

Fang Ze chuckled: "The response is very fast. After seeing the news in the group, I guessed that I did not leave the university."

Tai Wei looked at Fang Mu who came running, and said, "He wants to go too"

Fang Ze nodded: "I guess it is."

When he came to the car, Fang Mu first said hello to Tai Wei: "Team Tai."


Tai Wei nodded in response.

Later, Fang Mu looked at Fang Ze, the co-pilot, and said, "Mr. Fang, can I go together?"

Before Fang Ze spoke, Tai Wei opened his mouth and said, "I said Fang Mu, I asked you to help investigate the case before, but I have never seen you so active."

"What's going on today"

Fang Mu smiled awkwardly and said, "Follow Teacher Fang and learn."

Since the fifteen days he has known Fang Ze, Fang Mu has been aware of his own inadequacies.

It's not just imagination that solves cases.

He needs to transform and grow.

Upon seeing this, Tai Wei did not speak, but looked at Fang Ze.

Fang Ze smiled, did not refuse, and waved: "Get in the car."

"Thank you, Teacher Fang."

Fang Mu looked happy and opened the rear door.

Tai Wei doesn't care.

Fang Mu is a very good criminal psychology genius.

One more person, one more help for the detection of the case.

As long as the case can be solved quickly, anything will do.

The car left the Public Security University.

Half an hour later, they stopped in the parking lot of Zhongnan Municipal Bureau.

Three people get off the bus.

Tai Wei said as he walked: "Fang team, are you still going to see the board of directors?"

Fang Ze said: "Don't go now, go to the forensic department."

"it is good."

Tai Wei nodded.

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