What caught my eye was a young girl who had been dead for more than ten days.

The corpse has been professionally handled, so it is not decomposed.

There was a shocking wound on his neck.

The first reaction to people seems to be caused by animal bites.

And that animal is man.

This is the first time Fang Ze has encountered a case where the murderer directly killed a person with his teeth.

If not perverted, then the motivation, intriguing.

Tai Wei opened his mouth and said, "Fang team, I'll get you the file. Fang Ze stared at the corpse and said, "No, I'll just ask a few questions."

"it is good."

Tai Wei nodded.

Fang Ze said: "Do the two deceased know each other?"

Tai Wei: "After investigation, we can say that the deceased didn't know each other at all, and he didn't even meet."

Fang Ze: "How is the social circle, do you have any enemies?"

Tai Wei said: "No."

"One of the two people is a student and the other is a restaurant waiter.

"Life is relatively simple."

"I have visited the relatives and friends of the deceased in recent days, and I have not found that the deceased had any grudges against anyone."

Fang Ze nodded slightly.

In this case, Tai Wei's judgment on the random serial murder case is not a problem.

"Where is the place of death?"

Fang Ze continued to ask.

Tai Wei said: "The first deceased died in the suburbs, and the second deceased died in his own home."

Fang Ze: "Is there any gain in monitoring?

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Tai Wei said helplessly, "Not at all."

"The murderer seems to have deliberately avoided the surveillance area."

Asked here, Fang Ze fell into deep thought.

A few people were not disturbed and waited silently.

After a while, Fang Ze suddenly turned to look at Fang Mu, and said with a light smile, "Fang Mu."


Fang Mu was originally thinking, but after hearing the voice, he came back to his senses.

"What do you think"


Fang Mu hesitated.

With Fang Ze here, if he gives his own opinion, he seems to have the feeling that he is trying to get an axe.

If it's wrong, it's not a shame.

Seeing Fang Mu's concerns, Fang Ze said with a smile: "But it doesn't matter, the whole point of solving a case is to brainstorm ideas, not one person's business."

Fang Mu was considered to be the best reserve police officer he had ever seen.

If the police can have another talent like Fang Mu in the future, Fang Ze doesn't mind giving him more room to play, so that the other party can grow rapidly.

Hearing Fang Ze's words, Fang Mu hesitated for a while, then said, "I think the murderer has a strong purpose."

"At least, there is no problem with the spirit, but it is very extreme."

"Possibly, has a sociopathic personality."

Fang Ze's eyes lit up and smiled, "Continue talking."

Fang Mu nodded and said, "I think there are two motives for the murder."

"The first is for myself, and the second is for revenge on society."

"This person should have suffered a lot since childhood, or in other words, suffered a lot of scorn, which led to the emergence of his character."

Tai Wei and Liu Mingyuan looked at Fang Mu.

This analysis sounds fine, but it doesn't seem to be useful.

Fang Ze didn't care at all, and said: ""

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