Fang Mu nodded slightly.

Fang Ze said: "Tell me in detail."

"it is good."

Fang Mu thought for a while, then said: "Male, between twenty-five and thirty-five years old, thin, not aggressive in appearance, maybe even a good gentleman."

"Hungry for blood, and the body has a congenital disease."

"This disease is most likely an incurable disease, but the murderer fantasizes that blood can save him."

"Psychological, extremely twisted, killing will bring him pleasure."

"Lastly lived alone, no stable job."

He stopped talking.

Judging from the current clues, he can only speculate here.

After listening to Fang Mu's words, Fang Ze looked at him in surprise.

He didn't expect this kid to be worth a penny better than he imagined.

Other than that, Fang Mu is indeed very talented in criminal psychology.

The image of the murderer depicted by the other party is basically the same as his psychological profile.

The first is gender.

The crime probability of men is higher than that of women, plus the gender, age and identity of the deceased, it can be completely judged that the murderer is most likely a male Qin.

Then there's age.

Age is directly related to the degree of physical and mental development of the individual and the amount of social experience.

Therefore, the crime rate of different age groups is also different. Generally speaking, the crime high-incidence area is between fifteen and fifteen to forty years old.

The low-risk area is 15 years old and below, and [-] years old and above.

If it is a felony of homicide, the scope can be further narrowed to 20 to [-] years old.

Coupled with the nature of random serial killings, the scope can continue to be narrowed.

Of course, it's about probabilities, not facts

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 378 Thoroughly investigate the hospital [3]

Also, the body is thin.

The murderer has a twisted mind.

When a person like him commits a crime, he enjoys the pleasure very much.

If possible, the murderer should be more willing to watch the deceased die while struggling.

However, since the murderer chose to bind the deceased, it shows that he is not a person with good physical fitness.

The target of the crime was a woman, and the murderer was so cautious, as if he was worried that the victim would struggle out of control.

From this, it can be inferred that the murderer was thin and weak.

There is no self-confidence in the face of women.

The last is physical illness.

People don't do weird things for no reason.

The abnormal behavior on the surface can actually be found.

Then, why did the murderer drink the blood of the deceased? The biggest possibility is that the blood has a fatal temptation for the murderer.

In other words, it is very useful to the murderer.

What causes the murderer to crave blood? It can only be caused by disease.

And there is no cure for this disease.

Living under great pressure for a long time, always facing the fear of death.

Over time, it indirectly gave birth to the murderer's strong anti-social personality and distorted psychology.

Fang Mu's judgment, and his speculation, can be said to be very consistent.

Fang Ze showed a smile.

770 "Not bad."

He said two words.

Hearing this, Fang Mu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

It seems that he didn't say anything too outrageous.

At this time, Tai Wei said, "Fang team, is there something wrong with what Fang Mu said?"

Fang Ze turned to look at the corpse and said, "It's basically no problem."

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