"Team Tai, gather the people from the criminal police team for a meeting."

"Our time is very precious."

"The next dead person may appear at any time."

Tai Wei's eyes narrowed and he nodded: "Okay, I'll arrange it right away!"

Ten minutes later, the city council meeting room.

A dozen or so detectives sat here, staring intently at Fang Ze in front of him.

Fang Ze lit a cigarette, looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone, I won't talk nonsense, just talk about the case."

"Just now, Fang Mu's profile of the murderer's psychology, everyone already knows."

"I can tell you, it's basically correct."

"However, I need to add a few more points."

"First, the killer's disease, a rare blood disease, has no cure, and can only wait quietly for death to come."

"Second, the murderer's way of killing is imitating the smoking of foreign legends."

"The character of the murderer can be inferred from this: afraid of sunlight, fond of darkness, and pale as paper."

"I like a sweater with a hat, I like to wear a hat alone, and I don't want to communicate and look at people."

"Third, the murderer is a very picky person."

"Although he craved blood, blood was different from blood."

"In his self-knowledge, the blood of young girls is purer."

"Fourth, he will continue to commit crimes, and the targets of crimes are still women."

"But he will be younger. He is a man who does not know how to be satisfied. He likes to pursue more exciting pleasure and purer blood."

"Fifth, he has growth potential."

"Murder methods are increasing

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The more skilled you become, the more it will change.”

"I think next time, he won't bite the throat of the dead again."

"Instead, I'll choose a ceremonial and decent way to drink hard-earned blood."

"For example, in a premix, add blood."

"For example, adding milk or a drink to the blood."

"Even, he will choose to cook in the kitchen."

"This is a maniac figure."

Hearing this, everyone in the office looked at each other.

They all felt a tinge of cold.

If this is the case, to what extent is the psychological distortion of the murderer, every minute and every second in the future, there may be new pressure of the deceased, sweeping the entire office.

Fang Ze glanced at everyone and said, "We must use the shortest time to arrest the murderer."

"Considering the murderer's antisocial personality, if necessary, you can choose to kill him directly."

"Everyone cheer up and be ready to deal with any emergencies at any time."

"When going out to work on a case, the bullet in the pistol is loaded."

"After finding this person, a standard: either get caught, or shoot to kill."

"Does everyone understand?"

Everyone said in unison: "Understood!"

Ahead, Tai Wei said: "Fang team, we don't know the trace of this person at all, how should we check next?"

Fang Ze said: "Act separately."

"Fang Mu stayed at the city bureau and cooperated with the portrait artist to draw the general face of the murderer."

With his tips, Fang Ze believed that Fang Mu could do a great job.

Fang Mu looked solemn, nodded and said, "Okay."

Fang Ze continued: "The murderer is a person who is afraid of death."

"Before committing the crime, he must have been to the hospital in Zhongnan, otherwise he would not be so desperate."

"Team Tai, dispatched police officers to thoroughly check hospital records across the city."

"The point is that people with congenital blood diseases, age I have already said."

Tai Wei nodded: "Okay, just do as you said."

At this moment, Tai Wei has already thrown himself into the ground that Fang Ze admires.

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